Fury Attacks: Five Fantastic Techniques

Fury: Five amazing techniques
Fury: Five amazing techniques

Parents must learn to calm tantrums. It is not an easy task, but fortunately it is only one phase in your child’s development.

Little by little, your child will learn to act without tantrums. And he will put that attitude aside, and understand that it is not the only way to get what one wants.

The second major learning stage of a tantrum is that a child has to accept that they can  not get it exactly the way they want it.  Or exactly when the child wants it. Sometimes, what the child wants can even be dangerous.

The most difficult thing for parents is to learn to calm a child who has a tantrum. And do not despair or lose control of the situation. Therefore, we will give you five amazing techniques to soothe even the worst tantrums.

Between the ages of 2 and 3, children have the most tantrums. At this stage, the children are aware that on many occasions their wishes are not fulfilled.  They are therefore looking for a way to get the attention of those who deny it.

The crocodile tears and scandalous screams are the resources that children use to express that they are not happy. They also use them when they do not understand why they are denied something. This is because they cannot yet use language to express their frustration and anger.

What is a tantrum?

To begin with, a tantrum is like words in everyday speech that refer to an outbreak. We all know that once it starts, it can be hard to stop it if we do not have the right tools.

Outbursts of rage usually occur where there is a great burden of frustration, fear or anxiety and it begins to build up inside the child until he is filled with tension that only an explosion can release it.

The accumulation of voltages is slow and progressive. Sometimes you realize that your child does not understand that an discomfort is accumulating and therefore there is a tantrum on the way. Other times, tantrums appear quickly and unexpectedly.

During the outbreak, the child becomes overwhelmed by his own inner anger. The emotions are uncontrollable at the moment and it makes the child feel out of place. Using his natural defense mechanisms, he lets out tears and screams.

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Fury on the street scares us

The best thing you can do while the tantrum is there is to be calm. When he’s done, your child needs you to hug him. You need to make him feel safe, to lose control has scared him. Yes, even if you do not believe it, that’s what’s happening! You have to hug him.

Do not give in to his sudden whim. The fact that you are comforting him does not mean that you have to give in to his impulsivity. And you must not change the rules in his favor.

Five great techniques for soothing tantrums


You need to find out what happened to your child. If you see that he is okay and has only had a simple, free and unfounded fit of rage, it is necessary to teach him quietly how you want him to behave.

Find a safe place

You need to find a safe place for your child to be able to run free, and then you need to hug and kiss him.

This is basically a “time out”. It is a way of withdrawing from the previous situation and making sure that the child understands that he should be there until he feels calmer.


This is how you teach a child good behavior because you communicate that you understand his irritation, but that you will only give him attention when he calms down.

This helps children to distinguish between their feelings and emotions during and after the tantrum. Over time, they will be able to express themselves when they feel frustrated.

Hold on; it’s love too

Love does not mean permissiveness, but rather being able to show how you feel about your child. He needs to feel cared for and protected, but also need to be limited as these boundaries will help him grow. Love and determination must go hand in hand.

Teach him to take a deep breath and count to ten

This technique should be learned when the child is already calm. That way, in the event of a tantrum, your instruction to “take a deep breath” will not seem strange or new.

It is more helpful when you notice that your child is getting angry but has not yet had a major tantrum.

Dissatisfaction in children at home

How to soothe tantrums


The best way to avoid tantrums is to know exactly what situations are causing it.

All mothers know that there are things our children cannot control, and in certain situations, it brings out the best in them. For example, there are many children who are very irritable when they are sleepy or hungry.

It is simply a matter of taking certain precautions. Precautions not to be afraid of tantrums or to avoid them at all costs. Rather, it is about preventing them from becoming a problem when things are in our control.

For example, if you know that your son is prone to tantrums every time he is hungry, it would be most logical to respect his meal times as much as possible and / or bring snacks that are ready when the need arises.

The premise is about predicting how your child will react in certain situations or circumstances.  Thereby, you can weigh the possible consequences and alternatives to respond in a better way.


Frustration is what provokes most tantrums. The level of frustration predicts the level of tantrums. Simple as that. If both mother and child are frustrated, they will not move on until the little one gets tired of crying and screaming.

However, if the mother remains calm and in control of the situation, the child will realize that sooner or later he or she will not have to continue screaming.

With patience you can help the little one to understand that it is not necessary to have an outbreak; there are alternative ways to respond. Your mission is to teach your child to see the other possibilities so that he is not limited to bursting into tears when he gets a no to something.

Fewer questions, larger vocabulary

Often a child breaks out in a fit of rage because he cannot find the words to express himself. When they lack words or do not feel understood, they lose control and have a tantrum.

The important thing is that you reach out to him and help him understand it. Ask him a few questions and look for solutions.

Reassuring tantrums is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either. It’s just a matter of confronting our children with love and discipline. Lighten up!

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