My Child Always Shouts: What Can I Do?

Many mothers are unsure of what to do if their children are constantly crying.
My child always shouts: What can I do?

Do you worry that your child is always shouting? The shouting can often become a habitual reaction in children, which, sometimes, can cause you to lose your temper.

Has your home been strained because your child is screaming? Don’t worry, this is a common situation for many families. This is because shouting, in the early stages of childhood, can become a pattern of communication.

It is a time when emotions run wild. However, you are probably wondering  how to react when your child is always shouting. Can you avoid shouting? Find out, below.

Why do children shout?

To understand and deal with the situation,  it is necessary to understand the most common reasons why children shout. 

Because they are children

Children are very active. They spend the whole day having fun with different games, exploring and making a lot of noise.

The shouting and screaming usually happens as a natural way for children to communicate. Especially if they are in a group with other children. 

Every day, they discover something new, and shouting can even be their way of expressing joy.

Imitation of parents or close family members

Children can shout because they imitate the style of communication they hear at home. Remember that you learn by example, in all respects. As a result, if you tend to speak very loudly, your children will do the same because they imitate you.

mother shouting at her children

To get attention

Children may have a desire to get attention from those they are with, and shouting can make this happen. The youngest children have a need to be heard.

As you might expect, children will shout to make themselves noticed if they do not feel they are being heard or they are being overlooked.

To express emotions

Your child’s crying may be a response to unpleasant emotions, such as frustration, jealousy, stress and even excitement. 

Because of their age, children are less able to handle the energies that underpin these emotions. Therefore, they release them by shouting.

Development stage

child who always shouts

When children are between 2 and 3 years old, they tend to go through a period of tantrums. The whole thing is a protest against the adult authority.

There may be language issues if your child is always shouting

If children have a language disorder, it can be manifested through shouting. They do it as an expression of their mood.

Hearing problems

Hearing problems, such as inflammation of the eardrum and other disorders,  can prevent children from hearing themselves speak. It forces them to speak loudly. It’s the only way they can hear themselves.

What can I do if my child is always shouting?

Once you know the reason why your child is always shouting, the next step is to figure out how to avoid it. So, the  answer is: cultivate patience. It’s the only way you can make your child fall down. 

Lower your pitch if your child is always shouting

Make an effort to reflect on yourself. Examine whether shouting is the norm in your home. If so, try adjusting your pitch when talking on the phone or with other family members.

Avoid the thought that a message is more clear and firm if it is accompanied by shouting.

Do not give in to tantrums

If your child yells at you,  do what you can to avoid responding in the same way. In fact,  if you lower your voice, your child will do the same. That way, you will be better heard. 

However, it is important to stay firm and establish rules so that you do not give in to tantrums. For example,  let your child know that you cannot hear him or her when shouting. If not, your child will know he or she can get what he or she wants through tantrums.

Wait until your child falls down

You cannot reason with children when they are trapped in a very intense emotion, such as anger. Be empathetic and listen when your child falls down. Let your child express himself, without interruption. 

Furthermore, teach your child to listen. You can do this through reading. Another idea is, occasionally, to take your child to places where you need to be quiet. The library is a good learning tool in this regard.

Consult a speech therapist if your child is always yelling

boy to speech educator

Talk to your child’s teacher to find out if your child also exhibits this tendency in the classroom. If the instructor confirms your suspicion, do not hesitate to consult a speech therapist. A speech therapist is a professional who can help children lower their voices, using specialized exercises.

In short, the storm that may be on its way if your child is always shouting can end if you follow these suggestions. Keep in mind that the primary thing is the example you set at home. 

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