9 Things You Said You Would Never Do As A Parent

When we find out we need to be parents, we begin to decide on all the things we will never do as parents. So what is happening? We end up doing almost all of them!
9 things you said you would never do as a parent

I’m sure you do a lot of things you said you would never do as a parent. Before they have children, there are many people who say; “When I have children, I will never…” – and then they end up doing many of the things they have said they would never do. Who has not done that?

We almost all set a number of goals when we find out we need to be parents. When the time comes,  we often change our minds and end up doing the things we have said we will never do as parents. Can you relate to this? Do not worry. You are not the only one for whom this has happened, and it is perfectly normal!

Things you said you would never do as a parent

Many of the things you do and have said you would never do as a parent are related to raising your children and their free time. It can be things like never giving them a tablet or a cell phone to keep them busy and quiet when they cry, never letting them sleep in your bed and not watching TV until they are at least 2 years old, etc. Sounds like this well known?

I do not want to contradict my partner in front of my children

For sure you can see yourself in this. You have said you will never go against your partner,  and then when he or she disciplines your child, you criticize him or her because you do not like the way he or she did it. However, it is very important that both parents support each other when raising their children – and even more so in front of them.

parents arguing by stroller

It is advisable that you agree on the boundaries and restrictions that you intend to enforce, as well as  the decisions and values ​​that you intend to transfer to your children. That way, you will not go against your partner in front of your children.

I do not want to use my mobile or tablet to entertain my children

It’s a classic. Before they became parents, there were many parents who said this. When it comes to decision time and you’re in a restaurant and your child does not want to stop crying and you do not know what to do anymore, then you have probably resorted to giving your child your mobile. You were exhausted because of all the crying and begging, and you gave in to get just a little peace and quiet.

However, you should not punish yourself because of this. That’s pretty understandable, and if you do it in moderation, then it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Things you said you would never do as a parent: They should not watch television until they are two years old

Many parents set this goal. The truth, though, is that they’re trying to comply. Sometimes situations can get quite overwhelming, and in a moment of desperation, you may have resorted to this solution just to reassure your child. 

You should not blame yourself for this. Do not feel bad about it. You are certainly not the only one for whom this has happened.

I do not want to say ugly words in front of my children

Another thing that expectant parents often say is that they will never  say ugly words or swear in front of their children. However, this “rule” is broken quite often. Especially if you are used to saying them often before having children.

Obviously, you need to set an example. You can not ask children not to do something they see their parents do. However, anyone can drop these words from time to time.

Things you have said you would never do as a parent: I will not shout or lose my temper

Who has not at one time or another felt totally overwhelmed by a situation with the children and has shouted or screamed at them? You are not the first and you will not be the last. You should not feel bad about that either. However, you should always try to calm down before confronting a situation. That way, you can avoid having an outbreak.

I will not use Santa Claus or the tooth fairy to threaten or bribe them

It really is a mistake to use these magical characters to get children to do something or not do anything. Unfortunately, there are many parents who have made use of phrases such as; “If you behave badly, Santa will give you coal and no presents.”

We are all aware that this does not and  will not help children change their behavior. Nevertheless, all parents have made use of similar methods. Do not worry if you have done so too. You will learn from your mistakes.

baby looking at phone

They will never sleep with us in our bed

It’s another classic. Many parents first refuse to play with the idea of ​​having their baby or children sleep in the same bed as them. However, when it comes to decision time, they end up letting the kids sleep with them. 

This is either because there is no way to get them to sleep in their own bed because they are so exhausted or they can not see other options. Alternatively, it may be due to nightmares and there does not seem to be any other way to calm them down and secure them.

If you’ve been in such a situation yourself,  don’t worry – almost all parents have done the same!

Things you said you would never do as a parent: I would not threaten to pack my bag and slip away

Many of us may remember what our mother said; “I pack my bag and slip away!” The funny thing is that you may have even done the same thing when you have been overwhelmed in a particular situation. Next, you will understand exactly why  your  mother said that!

I do not want to blackmail my children into eating

We all know that  we should not blackmail our children to get them to eat. When you have tried a thousand different ways to get them to eat without success, then you may have made use of typical phrases, such as; “If you do not eat, we will not go to the park”  or  “If you eat it all, I will buy the toy you would like.”

Do not worry. When you notice that you are doing this, then there is still time to make things better!

In short  , the things you do as a mom or dad that you said you would never do are just part of being a parent. Who has not said or done just some of them? I myself, on certain occasions, have made use of some of them. However, you should not feel guilty about it. Just be aware of it and try to avoid it in the future.

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