The Attachment Theory: Why Is It So Important?

Attachment theory describes a theory of how important it is for a child to be close to his parents.
Attachment theory: Why is it so important?

Have you heard of attachment theory before? The attachment theory is important when it comes to children’s emotional development, and today we are going to talk about why it is so important to hug your baby often.

Do you know the many health benefits of hugging? Do you know how necessary this physical contact is for your baby’s emotional development?

Why do we have to hug each other?

Hugging has a direct and positive effect on our health. It does not matter how old you are; as humans, we need touches and hugs, from the moment we are born and for the rest of our lives.

Physical contact plays a very important role in the development of neurons. It is vital that we stimulate these neurons from the moment we are born so that they do not die.

Thanks to hugs, we can reduce and prevent many diseases – both physically and emotionally.

We relieve stress, anxiety and depression when we hug. Our oxytocin levels increase, which improves our health.

It is important to hug your baby often

Attachment Theory: The Benefits of Hugging

It increases serotonin and dopamine levels.

Our stress levels are reduced and our mood improves when we hug.

Hug enhances the immune system

The immune system is strengthened and the number of white blood cells increases.

It reduces arterial blood pressure

Hug activates the pressure receptors called Pacinian blood cells. This sends a signal to the vagus nerve, which is an area responsible for arterial reduction.

Hug cares for the heart

Hugs can improve heart rate.

Hug relieves fear

Hugs significantly reduce worries and they help soothe our fears. They give us peace and comfort.

They rejuvenate the body

Hug favors the addition of oxygen to the body tissue. They also increase cell life and prevent premature aging.

Hug improves mood and brings happiness

When we are hugged, we feel the happiness and security we need to be able to raise our self-esteem. This is due to the increased serotonin production.

Hugs reduce the risk of dementia

We have to give and receive hugs throughout our lives. Hugs even help prevent dementia.

Hugs are soothing and balance our nervous system.

skin-to-skin contact is important

Why is it necessary to hug your baby often?

Researchers consider attachment to be the most important factor in babies’ healthy development.

Attachment refers to positive, physical contact. In other words: to hug and kiss your child. These activities cause specific, neurochemical reactions in the brain, and it leads to proper organization in the brain systems responsible for attachment.

It is a well-known fact that the brain develops at 90% of its adult size during the first three years of life. During this time, a baby’s brain will put most of the systems and structures in place that will be responsible for its emotional, behavioral, social, and physiological function for the rest of its life.

Several scientific studies have found that children who receive hugs and who have formed healthy bonds in their daily lives since birth, develop the following:

  • A higher stress management ability
  • Healthier interpersonal relationships
  • Higher self-confidence

What is attachment theory?

Babies try to form bonds with people who care for their needs, including less caring adults. This bond is based on more than just food and nourishment. It’s about far more than your baby’s need to be fed.

When a baby is born, he wants to be close to his mother. A baby’s cry, his desire to be held, his reflexive smile and his need to be breastfed are all things that keep him close to his mother.

Our children have an innate need to be accepted and protected. And this is the basis for the continuation of the human species.  

Attachment has lifelong consequences. Babies who form a healthy and secure attachment see their parents as sources of comfort and a solid platform from which to play and explore their world.

Thanks to this strong, emotional foundation based on trust, these children can become confident, caring and competent adults.

Healthy, emotional bonds between parents and children are the fruit of daily care and love.

Although your baby is the most beautiful and enchanting you have ever seen, he is also a new creature in your life. You have to get to know him.

So just get started. You have your whole life ahead of you!

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