Mother’s Kiss Can Heal “almost ” Everything

Mother’s kisses can cure “almost” anything
Mother's kisses can cure "almost" anything

Mother’s kiss is the best medicine. Mother’s kiss works by tears, fear of being in the crib alone at night, indigestion, skin abrasions on the knees and the days when their children suffer from a cold or fever.

This gesture, which is charged with emotional vitamins, has “almost” the same effect as an antibiotic.

Loving mothers and fathers who love to practice the art of embracing, kissing and raising their children in a positive atmosphere create several amazing benefits for their children.

It is worth recalling studies conducted by Anna Freud (daughter of Sigmund Freud) on children’s psychological and emotional health.

Her work paves the way for the importance of a mother figure in their children’s lives. Mothers provide love that helps their children grow in good health, maturity, happiness and personal security.

Anna Freud defended the need to get children sent home from the hospital as soon as possible. If they were to be hospitalized, she thought it was important for children to be close to their mothers. When they are this, the children recover faster.

It is clear that the mother figure (as well as the father figure) has no formal healing abilities. But their positive emotions convey calm, security and well-being, leading to a rapid recovery.

Today here at “The World of Children” we will elaborate on this topic.

Mother’s kisses, caresses and hugs favor the development of a stronger immune system

Mother's kiss
mother and daughter

Having a mother’s presence can make us feel safe, protected and loved. This means that the baby’s brain generates less stress, and therefore there is less cortisol in the blood.

Let’s look at an example. James is a 5-month-old baby who does not get attention when he cries. Since he was born, his parents decided that he should get used to sleeping alone in his crib as soon as possible.

James’ parents do not understand that his crying is caused by fear. He gets the feeling of being alone and abandoned. He is away from what he needs most: his mother’s skin.

James’ brain will suffer from more stress, fear and anxiety. He wants higher levels of cortisol in his blood. This will cause his immune system to become weaker and weaker until it is more susceptible to infections.

On the other hand, a baby who receives regular kisses from his mothers and hugs from his father will secrete increased amounts of endorphins and oxytocin.

This also happens in children who are always comforted and looked after. Their immune system is strengthened and the relationship they share with their parents is intensified.

Mother's kiss
Mother’s kiss

Educate with kisses and laughter to wipe their tears

Mother’s kiss or a kiss in general is not just a gesture used to reaffirm ties. We offer these simple displays of love to the people who live in our hearts, the people we love.

Something as basic as a kiss on the cheek or on the toddler’s head can give an instant comfortable feeling. This feeling soon acquires a positive connotation in the child’s mind. Before we know it, they are already beginning to understand the language of love.

  • As the baby grows and begins to make further contact with the world; at home, with family, daycare or kindergarten, they will also encounter their first challenges and difficulties.
  • Believe it or not, the kisses and hugs we give our children after a fall, or when we pick them up from daycare, are both good reasons to encourage their strength.
  • No child is “spoiled” by receiving love. It’s an emotional caress. A way to comfort them and let them know that no matter what happens, we will always be there for them. We will always relieve their stress. Make them laugh, monitor them and make them feel safe at every step of the way.
Mother's kiss
mother kisses son

We all know that there will come a day when they will feel “embarrassed” by these overflowing feelings of love. But remember, it’s just an action. An unexpected kiss can also be medicine for a teenager.

It does not matter that their concerns and issues are a little more complex at that age. Deep down in every teenager and adult, there is a “child” in need of love.

So never doubt it. Do not hold back. Learn from you with kisses, it is also the best medicine for the heart.

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