The Most Common Fears In Children

Fear of the dark, having nightmares or going to the doctor are some of the most common fears in children.
The most common fear in children

It is normal for children to be afraid of certain things when they are small. For most, these fears go away as they get older. Fear of the dark, having nightmares or going to the doctor are some of the most common fears in children. Read today’s article and learn more about this topic.

Every child can be afraid of different things. That said, children tend to have certain fears in common. Today, we’ll provide you with a list of the most common fears of children, as well as how you can help them overcome them.

Experiencing fear is part of the learning process in children, as well as overcoming them. Parents play an essential role in this process, by helping their children, by giving them support and advice to deal with their fears.

The most common fear in children

Fear of darkness

Fear of darkness is one of the most common fears in children. It is also one of the fears that can occur at the earliest (around 2 years of age). This is the time when children begin to be aware that they are in a dark room.

Suddenly, children can find themselves in a dark room, without light, alone, with their imagination working against them. Any fear can cause them to panic.

Parents can help their children overcome their fear of the dark in various ways, such as the following:

  • Accompany them for some time while they are in the dark so that they understand that there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • Place a night light so that they are not in complete darkness. 
  • Put luminous stickers with stars and moons in the ceiling of the room so they can light up at night.
  • Make stories about the sun, the moon and the stars so that your children understand that the stars and the moon will always protect them. 


Nightmares are also high on the list, of the most common fears in children. When they occur, children tend to wake up upset, and, on occasion, they may scream and sweat.

What parents should do in these situations is to reassure their children and explain to them that nightmares are not real. Instead, they are part of children’s imagination and they will not happen again. Through these moments, children need the love of their parents and need to know that their mother and father are always there to help. 

girl afraid of shadow on the wall

Costumes and people dressed up

Many children are afraid of people wearing costumes. This happens because children do not understand that there is a person hidden behind the costume.

Observing the proportions, colors, and characteristics that stand out in costumes makes children distrust what they do not recognize.

The solution to overcoming this kind of fear is for the person wearing the costume to show his face. That way, children can see that there is a friendly person behind the costume. 

Another good idea is for parents to dress up, along with their children, to help them lose their fear of costumes so they can see that it’s something fun.

Fear of water

Water is another common fear in children. However, in many cases, it later becomes a favorite pastime. This fear may be the result of two factors:

  1. As human beings, we can experience anxiety by knowing that we cannot breathe underwater.
  2. A previous traumatic experience with water.

To address this fear, the first thing you need to do is  not force your child to go into the water if he or she does not want to. 

You need to explain to your children and show them how other children and adults walk in the water without danger. This will help them understand that they can also walk in the water.

little girl at the doctor

Fear in children: Going to the doctor

Finally, going to the doctor is another of the most common fears in children. From a young age, we begin to associate doctor visits with pain.

It is important to explain to your children what is going to happen before going to the doctor. That way, your children will know what to expect and their fears will thus subside. 

The goal of this explanation is for children to become aware that the doctor is there to help, and not to cause harm. The way doctors treat their patients is extremely important in this case. It is a sensitive moment, so be sure to choose a doctor who is patient and kind.

Promising children that they will be rewarded if they behave well will also help them gather courage and motivation. 

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