11 Things You Can Do With Your Daughter Through Her Life

Here are eleven things we recommend doing with your daughter throughout her life so that the two of you can stay close and be able to look back on those good times in the future.
11 things you can do with your daughter through her life

The connection between a mother and a daughter is such a beautiful thing. In addition to being her mother, you can also become your daughter’s friend, confidant and accomplice. The fact that you can deliver company like no other is amazing and worth all your effort and energy.

The task of raising a child is rewarding and full of blunders. Children grow up having to make their own lives and start their own families.

What can make you more proud than knowing that no matter what, there will always be the permanent connection between the two of you. Knowing that your daughter is a strong, happy, energetic, loving and valuable woman thanks to what you have taught her.

So you are never too far apart and you always have each other…

11 things to do with your daughter through her life


They say that people in good marriages have a lot of conversation. The same idea can be applied to the mother-daughter relationship. Always talk and about everything. Stay up to date on her life.

Start when your daughter is little, show genuine concern and interest in her hobbies and interests, and get her involved in your life as well.

Instead of being two strangers living under one roof, you will share camaraderie and advice. It’s nice to see a mother and daughter talk like best friends.

Furthermore, you both know that your conversations never have underlying motives. You are always genuine with each other and speak from the heart.

Mother and daughter

Exchange clothes

Share clothes with your daughter. Save your timeless clothes that you know she will in one day . Exchange styles and talk about fashion trends.

Try to dress like each other at one time or another, either with similar textures, shapes or colors on clothes.

Go shopping together

Who is a better companion for the long shopping trips than your daughter? You can enjoy time together and exchange style advice.

Share a hobby

Follow the same football team or handball team, or the sport they play. Watch movies, go to concerts, watch matches and eat ice cream. Share a hobby and spend at least one day each month pursuing that hobby. During the course of your life, it will be an activity that holds you together and from which you can create beautiful memories.

Cook together

Make dinner together from time to time and surprise the rest of the family. Teach her your best recipes and experiment together in the kitchen, making desserts and good dishes. The result will surprise you both.

Spa day

Whether you are at home or in a beauty salon, share a time that is just for you . Teach your daughter to take care of herself and enjoy time with herself, without feeling guilty. Give her a gift card for a spa day complete with masks, manicures, hair and makeup. It will be a day that will encourage self-love.

Participate in social causes

Invite your daughter to participate in social causes. Belonging to a group or social organization, volunteering or helping and contributing to others alone is a great lesson and example that you will give your daughter. You can both continue to do this throughout your life.

Empathy and solidarity, which are very valuable, are learned through these activities.

Go on holiday together

Once a year you should take a little vacation together . It could be a weekend on the beach or in the mountains. This will only be something that belongs to the mother and daughter, and later you can include your grandchildren and continue the tradition.

Make birthdays special

Do not let birthdays be like any other day . Make it a tradition with your daughter to celebrate birthdays with a special surprise. It does not have to be expensive, you just have to make it clear that you are thinking of celebrating her. A simple phone call can make a big difference.

Doctor visits

Life is not always fun and play. There are bad times that we would rather avoid, but we can not. Show your daughter that the family is united in both good and bad times.

Go with her to her doctor visits while she is a child and be available if she still wants you as an adult. She can also come with you to your doctor appointments.

Dance and sing together

Dancing and singing create a wonderful feeling of freedom, so imagine what it will feel like to do it with your daughter . Do this as a key to the friendship you will cultivate throughout her life.

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