Simple Delays In Language In Children

Simple language delays in children are a mild problem at the beginning of language development. 
Simple language delays in children

When a child does not have language skills appropriate to their age, they are likely to experience some delays. 

The typical reasons for this are overprotection and lack of stimulation at home. For example, if parents always get the children’s wishes in advance, the children will not be motivated to express what they want.

Even if the linguistic expression is affected, it does not mean that their comprehension is also affected. Conversely, simple language delays may indicate that children understand more than they can say.

How do simple delays in language manifest themselves?

Simple language delays indicate that the language is evolving later than usual and more slowly.

girl lying in bed and looking

In these cases, the child’s first words occur around the age of 2 instead of 1 year. Furthermore, the association of two words (eg “yellow flower”) will manifest itself after 3 years, when this should happen when the child is around 18 months.

It should be noted, as the language is scarce,  the formation of sentences will become more difficult. This means that when the children are asked about something, they will answer with very short sentences, and, in general, be very concise.

In this context, it is proven that children have a passive attitude when it comes to language.

There are some stages in which the child understands specific phrases, especially when the family interferes. For example: “give me the ball”.

However,  with more abstract place / time phrases or with phrases that are not very familiar to them  (for example: “go on a trip”), it will not be understandable to them, at an early age.

Reasons for simple language delays

  • Family history with simple language delays
  • Certain environmental factors: poor or insufficient vocabulary in the family environment, lack of stimulation or overprotection.
  • Conflicts or domestic violence.

What is the difference between simple language delays and other language problems?

According to studies, specific language problems, known as dysphasia, are  considered to be a more serious form of simple language delays. In such a case, the language will also be mastered late, but it does not follow the normal, evolutionary pattern.

In particular, the understanding of the language will, as a rule, be more affected than by simple delays in the language.

However, when experts start treating children who have simple language delays, they will find it difficult to differentiate the issues from each other.

Therefore, it is crucial to visit an expert quickly. The evolution of language development and finding solutions is more effective when addressed early. 

girl looking up excited

Things to consider

Some believe that this disorder has no major impact on the development of the child’s learning. It is estimated that this situation will start to get better after the age of 6 years. 

In some cases, simple language delays may also be associated with clumsiness, according to fine motor coordination, as well as lateral coordination and an ability to differentiate colors, shapes, and temporary spaces from each other.

The most appropriate suggestion to deal with these cases of simple language delays is to  vocalize adequately – do not rush when speaking and avoid using childish language. 

Likewise, when you go to kindergarten and find your child having a conversation, it is recommended that you respect the topic and the time.

You should establish a practical and pleasant conversation that is specifically tailored to your child’s ability to understand. Finally, it is advisable to read stories with pictures as it helps to build vocabulary.

Also make use of children’s songs, which are considered to be a great tool for initiating the verbal language pattern. 

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