9 Tips To Help Children Learn To Write On Computer

At a certain age, children should learn to write to write faster when using a computer. In this way, they get a valuable learning experience that they will never forget and that will be very useful throughout their lives.
9 tips to help children learn to write on a computer

It is important for children to learn to write early. From the age of 9 or 10, the children have to do a lot of homework in school. They save time if they know how to type, in this case on a computer keyboard.

In addition to simplifying classroom tasks, writing is an excellent fine motor exercise that allows children to have very fast fingers. It also involves an exercise of automation and coordination of the hand with the brain. Therefore, it is an advantage to learn to write, which will follow our children throughout their lives.

How to get your child to learn to write

In fact, getting kids to learn to write is very simple. With a little daily practice, they can reach an acceptable level to handle any keyboard in three or four months.

Use online programs for exercises

The first thing to do is practice. Therefore, they need lessons for children to learn to write. Online, we can find many lessons to learn to place your fingers on the keyboard. They will be able to perform exercises that are repeated, requiring them to constantly mark a key with the corresponding finger.

Children are learning to write on a computer

Saying the letter aloud

When the child performs the exercises, it may be helpful to say the same key that they need to press. In this way, the brain establishes a connection between the letter and the movement they make.

At the same time as writing, learning when reading aloud is accelerated, thanks to the visual feedback that is also produced when the letter is displayed on the screen. In other words , the sense of hearing is supplemented by sight to achieve greater growth and an optimal internalization of the process until it becomes natural.

Constant practice is essential for learning to write

It’s no secret when it comes to learning to write, nor are there any magic solutions. It is a matter of practicing a lot to remember and automate the movements.

Therefore, it is very important that the child repeats the lessons regularly. If possible, three times a week is the ideal time if each lesson lasts one hour. That way, in three or four months, they will be able to handle the keyboard well.

Keep pace

In order for your child to learn to write correctly when exercising, they need to keep up the pace. In the beginning, they make many mistakes. But it is better to let them pass and focus on their rhythm. This way, they will be much faster than if they constantly have to stop every time they make a mistake.

Correct posture

This is another important point that many tend to overlook. With the right posture, with the spine right at an angle of approx. 90 degrees to the legs, you will find a way to write at the right speed.

In addition, this prevents the occurrence of physical problems that sometimes occur due to poor posture when e.g. your child is sitting in front of a computer screen.

Boy at computer is learning to write

Guaranteed fun

Writing involves a lot of automation of movements, which makes it very repetitive. Therefore, when practicing, children need some kind of motivation. For example, jokes and riddles, writing stupid words that make them laugh, creating pictures with letters, etc.

Writing with two fingers as a means of learning to write

The first exercises your child does to learn to write should be based on the use of two fingers. If they try to start using all 10 fingers, they get confused and everything becomes more complex. For this reason, they should start by using only two. For example, their two index fingers, their two middle fingers, etc., until they automate the whole process.

Regularity rather than duration

It is more important for the child to practice regularly for short periods instead of practicing for long periods with long periods in between. It will be much more positive for their learning than spending many days doing nothing and then preparing for a long lesson so that there is a long time left for the next lesson.

Regularity is important. Once learned, they will not forget it. Therefore, it is better to practice every day for half an hour or three times a week than a three-hour lesson once a month.

Learning to write is easy

The little ones are like mushrooms when it comes to gaining knowledge and automating action. So with these tips that kids can use to learn to write, in a few weeks they will discover the wonderful world that comes with it.

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