5 Keys To Teaching Children Never To Give Up

To achieve personal, social, or academic goals, children must never learn to give up. Here we show you some tips to teach them that.
5 keys to teaching children never to give up

It is important to teach children never to give up. People have the natural instinct to go after their dreams, to surpass themselves, to set goals and work to achieve them. It is the way we manage to develop and grow personally.

But the path is not always easy. There may be several obstacles that make us want to throw in the towel. This is why you should never teach your children to give up so that they can achieve happiness and their own definition of success, despite the challenges.

If we want a child to persevere in any task, whether it is school activity, cognitive training or sports, we must teach them self-esteem and self-confidence.

In fact, overprotection can make children feel helpless and unable to achieve goals on their own. However, overly authoritarian parents can make children afraid of making mistakes. Then they might give up before they start.

Therefore, there are several aspects that children need to work on from a young age to help them reach their full potential. Read on to learn about them.

A family laughing together on the couch

Free will

Free will is the ability that lets someone decide what they want and change their behavior to achieve it. It is closely linked to motivation. It is the main engine that drives us to continue despite the bumps in the road.

On a daily basis, many situations arise that require willpower from children: getting up early to go to school, performing their leisure activities instead of playing, studying when they need to, even if they do not want to, etc. This is moments where they need to remember why it is worth going against their immediate desires.

That is, they need to focus their attention on the long-term consequences. For example, going to school and studying will help them learn and get a good job in the future. Their leisure activities can help them train their bodies, be healthier and have fun being with their classmates.


Even if a child agrees with the long-term goal and has the will to achieve it, they should know that it will probably require effort to achieve their goal. There are lots of different types of efforts: to exert oneself physically, to acquire new knowledge, to overcome fear, and so on.

In any case, they need to get out of their comfort zone. It can be scary and make them give up. So it is important to remind them that effort will help them get better and make them feel proud to have managed to improve themselves.

Perseverance is an important part of never giving up

We all wish we could reach our goals quickly and with minimal effort. The things that children want are more urgent as their patience and impulse control are less developed.

But if you want to teach your children never to give up, help them to endure. To do this, you can show them how they can break their goals down into smaller, more achievable sub-tasks and reward them for the progress they make. This recognition will help them continue until they reach their ultimate goal.

Learning from mistakes

Perfectionism is one of the qualities that can make children give up quickly. Children who have this trait usually think that mistakes are wrong. So when they fail, they feel frustrated, incapable and incompetent.

Remind your child that no one is perfect. We all fail. Failure is one of the most important parts of the journey. This knowledge will make it easier for them to move forward.


Unfortunately, even if children do everything right, they do not always get the results they were hoping for. In these moments, teach your children to be resilient. That is, you need to teach them to get stronger out of these unfavorable circumstances.

Dumping a test may have been pushed to learn better study skills. Not being accepted into a group of friends can help you decide what kind of people you really want around you. Each obstacle can provide important learning that makes us better.

Teaching your children never to give up brings them closer to happiness

Usually we see perseverance and perseverance as necessary to do well in school. In addition to this, it will give them a valuable lesson to teach your children never to give up.

Not only will it make them more likely to succeed in everything they have set out to do. Above all, it will give them confidence in themselves and in their abilities. Without a doubt, this will make them happier people.

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