Give The Gift To Read: The 8 Best Books For Teenagers

In the following article, we will suggest some options of books for teenagers, as a component of the fascinating world of literature. 
Give the gift to read: The 8 best books for teens
There is a wide variety of books for teens that will make them enjoy reading, which is a wonderful gift. Here is a list of the best books for teens. 
At this age,  teens are passionate about what they read and are more critical of book content. Some even start writing their own works, at a young age.

It is always a good idea to read a book. However, in  order to choose a good book, it is important to know something about the book’s reasons. 

Many books offer something that will make an impression and even change the life of the reader.

There are a large number of great books for teens, according to their preferences, interests and ambitions. 

Below, there are a few suggestions so you can give your teens the best books, and help them develop a love for books.

The 8 best books for teens

1. From the mixed files of Mrs. Basil E. Fra nkweiler

This narrative centers mainly around the captivating story of Claudia. Claudia and her brother choose to leave their home, to make their parents appreciate them.

As they manage to escape, their adventure begins at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

In the museum, they discover a statue that captures their curiosity. Their fascination with the origin of the statue leads them to the mysterious Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, who is the previous owner of this work of art.

2.  The peculiar incident of the dog in the night hours

Christopher Boone, a 15-year-old boy with Asperger’s syndrome, lives with his father. He does not have a mother since she passed away.

Christopher is a great student,  and has amazing math skills. Furthermore, he has an extraordinary memory. 

However, he also has serious problems with communication and other peculiarities. For example, he can not cope with the color brown… or yellow. He gets furious when others touch him.

After Christopher discovers that the neighbor’s dog is being beaten to death, a professor encourages him to write about the incident. Christopher tries to find out who killed the dog.

In his Sherlock Holmes-like detective work, he discovers a host of surprises. The threads lead him to many unexpected things.

young boy reading in a big book

3. The 6 most important decisions you will ever take

This piece of literature uses real-life stories, from teens around the world, to deal with a range of responsibilities or decisions.

The book’s main characters, like most teenagers, have always lived under the authority of their parents. 

However, over time,  teens learn to make their own decisions. Good or bad, their choices take them on a journey and they are at the helm.

This book gives teens a valuable insight, according to many of the most important decisions they will face, through adolescence and beyond.

4.  Dune

Dune  is an ideal choice for teens who love science fiction. This book  takes the reader on a journey to another planet, Arrakis. 

Arrakis stands out because it is the universe’s only source of Melange – a spice that increases human capacity by innumerable levels. It is considered the most important substance in the cosmos.

Whole families are dedicated to collecting melange. However, greed and ambition begin to cause betrayal and promise among the inhabitants of the planet.

Through a series of events,  the main character of the short story is banished to the harsh desert of Arraki. There he must fight to survive, to return and receive justice.

As teens swallow this award-winning short story, they will discover a mix of interactions between politics, religion, ecology, technology, and human emotions.

5. The truth about the Savolta case

This piece of youth literature is written by Eduardo Mendoza, and presents another issue to be resolved.

The plot takes the reader to the stunning Spanish city of Barcelona in the early 20th century. 

There, a very young lawyer, Javier Miranda, finds himself trapped in the power struggle of the elite commercial life. Javier quickly learns one thing: no one is who they pretend to be.

6.  Something strange is coming this way

This book takes on two different genres: horror and fantasy. The story takes place in the month of October.

The main characters, Jim Nightshade and William Halloway, two 13-year-old neighbors,  live completely normal, uninteresting lives. 

One day a traveling carnival comes to town and  some very strange things start to happen. The nightmarish events teach the two main characters to fight fear.

woman reading outside for a dog

7.  Kafka and the traveling doll

According to the book’s presentation, the author, Franz Kafka, had a very abnormal experience, a year before he died.

One day while walking around Steglitz Park in Berlin,  he comes across a young girl. She cried inconsolably because she had lost her doll. 

In an attempt to reassure the child, Kafka, the author of  The Metamorphosis, invents  an intriguing story. He tells the little girl that her doll is actually not gone. It is more precisely on a small journey. 

The next day, in the role of a postman, Kafka brings a letter to the park. From that night, and the next 3 weeks, Franz writes a series of letters, delivering them all to the little girl.

In these letters,  he has found on adventures with this peculiar doll,  as if she had traveled to the distant lands on earth.

8.  The invisible man

A scientist named Griffin invents a recipe for invisibility, after years of devoting himself to research and exploration.

He manages to make himself invisible. However,  he is unable to reverse the effects of his experiment. 

He therefore begins to cause trouble in his city,  with his strange behavior and sinister appearance.

Here begins the book’s adventurer. Griffin finally meets his old “friend”, Dr. Kemp. Kemp knows Griffin’s secret, and will have to decide if he wants to help him or not.

Children should start by enjoying reading in childhood. As the child grows and reaches adolescence,  this good habit will grow even more, and become a lifelong passion. 

Choosing the right literature to pique a teenager’s interest can be a bit of a challenge. It is important to choose a narrative that appeals to young minds.

The educational and formative aspects of a book are also something to keep in mind.

Have this list at hand the next time you go to the bookstore!

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