Cervantes Quotes: Why They Are Relevant To Teens

Cervantes Quotes: Why They Are Relevant To Teens
Cervantes Quotes: Why They Are Relevant To Teens

Cervantes has left much more than just his work. In his writings we can find a number of Cervantes quotes which, despite their antiquities, remain as valid and relevant today as they did in the past.

Miguel de Cervantes is known as the greatest figure in Spanish literature. He is known for his ingenious work: Hidalgo Don Quixote.

His work has put him on a pedestal, which also means he has become a reference when it comes to homework. These Cervantes quotes to teenagers are undoubtedly a sign of his wisdom.

Don Quixote is known as one of the most translated and edited books in history. It is surpassed only by the Bible. This, in addition to the fact that it has become reading material in many schools around the world, clearly indicates that magnitude.

Cervantes, the author of the book, was a poet, playwright and a soldier. In his youth he was exiled to Italy.

He was also jailed for 5 years with his brother after being kidnapped by a Turkish flotilla.

After several escape attempts, they were finally released in 1580 after paying a release of 500 escudos.

His life experience as well as his contacts with the royal of the sixteenth century made Cervantes a respected man. His quotes are not surprisingly still remembered and appreciated today.

The best Cervantes quotes for teens

1. “Love and lust are two different things. Not everything that is loved is coveted, and not everything that is coveted is loved. ”

During adolescence, there can be confusion between love and desire. Cervantes brings a clarity to the matter.

This quote can allow teens to reflect on what they are actually feeling for another person. This is without a doubt an important phrase since recent years have been so emotionally charged.

Love or lust?

2. “Among the greater sins that men commit, though some say it is pride; I say it’s ingratitude. Pay attention to what is usually said: Hell is full of the ungrateful. ”

Here, the Spanish author highlights the depth of being grateful. Throughout the journey of life, there will be many people who will give you a hand. Never forget to be grateful.

When tomorrow arrives and your goals are met, look back and remember those who gave you increased encouragement. If you have to pay them back for their cooperation, do not hesitate a second to do so.

3. One of the really good quotes of Cervantes: “To do good deeds is never lacking in rewards.”

It is common to hear today that bad people always get rid of bad actions or that honesty does not matter. However, Cervantes does not believe this to be true.

With his wise words, the poet makes it clear that everything in life comes sooner or later back in life. If you do good deeds, you will be rewarded for your actions.

4. “The way to virtue is very narrow, while the way to sin is wide and spacious.”

This is another warning for teens. Young people may encounter many unhealthy distractions and temptations.

Therefore, it is important to know how to set temptations aside to follow the path of virtue. While it may seem “boring” or “not worth it,” fulfilling commitments and taking responsibility will lead them to a successful tomorrow.

5. “The road to ‘I’ll probably get to it’ leads you to the house of ‘never'”

Postponement is an evil that is seen more and more in today’s society. There are distractions everywhere we look.

Postponing tasks is nothing more than going against our goals. This applies to academically, professionally and in everyday life. Social conditions and emotional decisions can also be negatively impacted by procrastination.

6. One of the best quotes by Cervantes to be written in memory: “There is no book that is so bad that it has no good”

Of course, as a lover of letters, Cervante’s quotes to teenagers could not omit the importance of cultivating a love of reading.

Language has enormous potential, but we use it less and less every day. In addition, books also provide good life lessons that should be heard.

It does not matter if you agree with their advice or not. As the author says, each book will give you an important conclusion of some sort.

Reading expands one’s horizon

Several valuable Cervantes quotes for teens

  • “Inadvertently spirits are reconciled and friendships are strengthened.”
  • “The truth can be stretched, but it never breaks, and it always comes up over lies like the oil that flows.”
  • “Time matures all things: No man is born wise.”
  • “What madness or nonsense makes me count the mistakes of others while I have too much to say about mine?”.
  • “There is no answer or punishment against silence.”

From such an emblematic and suitable figure as Miguel de Cervantes we can only extract good life lessons. It is important to pass on these lessons to our teens.

Have conversations with them and above all, encourage them to apply their knowledge. That these sentences were written centuries ago does not mean that they no longer apply to our society.

Encourage yourself, share these Cervantes quotes with teens and discuss them with your family. Everyone will be able to learn a lot in a very enjoyable way.

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