4 Ways To Make Your Child Feel Special

It is important that you as a mother or father show your child that he or she is very special. In this article, we share some great tips on how to cope with this important task
4 ways to make your child feel special

Having the opportunity to teach and guide your child through life is one of the biggest responsibilities for parents. But sometimes you may doubt whether you can make your child feel special.

We know that you as a mother wish your children the best in everything. Therefore, we share a few ways you can make your child feel special.

Practice these techniques and create a strong bond, by showing the love you feel for your child.

4 ways to make your child feel special

1. Maintain eye contact

You may think listening to what your child is saying is enough to understand what they want to express. The reality is that  one of the months you can make your child feel special is to look them in the eye.

This will make them feel special and they will notice that you are really paying attention to them. Maybe they are not thinking that way, but emotionally it is very important. You can also ask them questions about what they just told you.

Mother and son give thumbs up

They will notice that you are aware of what they are saying and doing. If your child wants to tell you something while you are busy, it is best to ask them to wait a moment. Then give them time to tell you what they want.

This not only makes them special, but it will also improve your communication.

If your child is very small and does not speak yet, eye contact is even more important. They will try to express themselves where your attention is important.

While playing with them or feeding them, take advantage of the opportunity to make eye contact.

2. Spend uninterrupted time with your child

Another way to make your child feel special is to set aside time to be with them without interruption. It does not have to be a whole day. It will be enough for your child that you dedicate some time and really focus on them. 

There are many options:

  • Read goodnight stories.
  • Take them for a walk in the park every day before dinner.
  • Play with them for ten minutes before going to work.

There are only three options. You can choose anything you like to do with them.

While spending time with your child,  ignore or turn off your cell phone and concentrate on what you are doing together.

3. Ask your children about things that are important to them

As a mother, you will probably constantly talk to your children and discuss your thoughts with them.

One of the ways to make them feel special is by  asking them about things that worry them, interest them, and even scare them.

Don’t just ask, “How was your day at school?” And do not accept the answer “fine”. Ask deeper.

Ask if they have questions if they are happy or if something is bothering them. This is a great way to make your child feel special.

Mom uses ways to make your child feel special

Your little ones will see that their lives mean something to you. They will feel safe and ask you something.

It is important that you do not criticize anything about what they tell you. It allows them to trust you.

If they did something wrong you can explain to them why it was wrong.

4. Show interest in their interests

Although their favorite toy animal does not bring you the same level of happiness, still show interest in the animal. This is the ultimate way to make your child feel special.

When you show love for the same things that they love, they will know how important it is to you. 

Listen with enthusiasm as they talk about their new sand castle and their new coloring book. Share their passion and pastime, to make them feel comfortable and support them.

Incorporate these four methods to make your child feel special in their daily lives. They are easy to follow and the results include better communication, better understanding and a more confident child.

All you need is a few minutes every day.

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