I Love You: 6 Ways To Say It To Your Child

I Love You: 6 Ways To Say It To Your Child

Parents are so busy these days that we sometimes forget to give time to something as important as telling our children how much we love them. It may seem obvious, but it’s very, very important to say I love you. Of course they know it, but they like to be reminded of it. They actually need it.

The good news is that it does not take much time. You can say I love you no matter how busy you are. Even if you are not allowed to spend that much time with your child, then you can actually still remind them how much you love them.

There are many different ways and moments where you can say “I love you” to your child. Let’s look at some of them.

Banknotes and messages to say: I love you

This is something you can do at any age. You can leave notes inside their books, on their desk, in their school bag or with their toys. Write a short message or make a cute drawing. You can also put something in their lunch box that reminds your child of you, thereby showing them how much you love them.

For older children, you can also use technology. Send them an email or message once in a while. Emojis can help you say a lot in a few words.

Always say hello to them with a hug and a kiss

Mornings and at bedtime are the best times of the day when you can give your child a hug and a kiss. Forget everything else for a brief moment and give them a dose of concentrated love.

Another great moment for a kiss and a hug is when your child leaves the house or comes home. It is very easy to do this when your children are small. But we usually lose the habit as they get older, as if it no longer matters. But it does. It’s just a small gesture, but it means a lot to children.

I love you

Eat with them at least once a day

Studies show that there are many benefits to children having their parents eat with them at least once a day. These benefits include a reduced risk of substance abuse, higher grades and better self-confidence.

Lunch or dinner is a good opportunity to talk about things that your child goes and thinks about. But for this to happen, you have to sit at the table, without a television.

Give your child attention when you are with them

A recent study found that children realize when their parents are easily distracted when they are present. They often give their cell phones more attention than anything else. In addition to setting a terrible example, it also shows a lack of respect for your child.

Put away your phone and other distractions when there is something your child wants to talk to you about. And if there’s an urgent reason why you can not really talk right now, make sure they understand why you have to go. Do not hang up in front of your child and do not leave without an explanation. Your time is the most valuable thing you can give your children.

Plan activities with your child

Time is the best gift a parent can give their child. But it has to be quality time. If you and your child are at home together, but if you are busy with something else, then it is something completely different than spending quality time with your child.

It’s a way to tell your child that you enjoy their company when planning weekend activities away from home, such as creative activities, sports, dance classes, or other hobbies. In addition to creating a sense of closeness, it gives you many opportunities to say “I love you” and tell them how much you enjoy spending time with them.

In addition to telling your child that you love them, you can also tell them that you hope they have a good day. Send them motivational sentences, or tell them that you are thinking of them and miss them. But do not overdo it, especially when your child is older. This is just one of the ways you can show them that you love them.

father and son watching sunset

Thank them for everything they do

It’s one of the best ways to educate your child to appreciate others when you say “thank you” and “it was so little.” It can also tell them how much you value them. Gratitude is an important value, and it brings out the best in all of us.

There is more you can do besides thanking your children when they do something for you, whether you asked them to or not. Sometimes you can just thank them out of the blue – to be there, to be themselves, to make your mornings better or to encourage you with their smiles. Every word helps. They will love it.

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