Health Problems In Premature Babies

Health problems in premature babies are more common than in babies who remain in the womb throughout pregnancy.
Health problems in premature babies

Premature babies require special care because their bodies are not fully mature yet. For this reason, it can cause problems that affect their health in both the short, medium and long term.

A premature birth can be triggered by many causes:  an infection, stress, an accident, a giant stroke or alcohol consumption, among other things.

Next, we will provide a list of the most common health problems of premature babies.

Health problems in premature babies

In these cases,  the main complications can affect the brain and lungs of the baby. These are the most common:

1. Complications with traction

  • Hyalin membrane disease

Hyalin membrane disease is a condition that affects newborns – especially premature babies. It manifests itself mainly as respiratory failure (dyspnoea) and bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis). 

This disease can develop into bronchopulmonary dysplasia,  which is a chronic lung disease. Furthermore, it causes fibrosis in the baby’s lungs, which causes breathing errors.

  • Persistence of the arterial canal

This is a heart-related anomaly that causes breathing problems in premature babies. The arterial canal is a canal located between the pulmonary artery and the main artery. It is present in all newborns, but it disappears quickly.

In general, this canal closes spontaneously during the first hours of life. In some premature babies, this canal stays open for a long time, making it difficult to breathe.

little baby crying
  • Central apnea

This is a term that defines stopping breathing in babies for at least 20 seconds. All babies can experience this problem, but it is more common in premature babies.

There may be an increase in heart rate after apnea. As the rate of breathing decreases, the heart rate will also decrease.

2. Digestive problems

Premature babies have trouble sucking and swallowing, and sometimes they may be completely unable to do so. In these cases, the digestive system can not absorb the nutrients that are essential for the baby’s body. 

Proper nutrition for the little one, however, is essential to help him grow healthy, and to strengthen his body adequately.

A premature baby can have digestive problems. Necrotizing enterocolitis is the most common digestive problem in newborns. It is a digestive disease related to immaturity and fragility.

3. Neurological complications

It is through the last trimester of pregnancy that the brain develops the most. If the baby is born prematurely,  there may be complications such as intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular leukomalacia.

According to intraventricular hemorrhage, it is one of the most worrying health problems in premature babies. This bleeding occurs because the brain is very immature and, as a consequence, fragile blood vessels can easily rupture.

If it is intense, it can cause serious problems and even death, which occurs in a third of premature babies who suffer from this.

little baby with snake in nose

Periventricular leukomalacia is a predominant form of brain damage. In this case, the brain tissue is damaged and it can affect the nerve cells that control the baby’s movements. It can lead to motor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy.

4. Complications related to the liver

When a baby is born, even at the right time, the liver destroys red blood cells, and this destruction releases a yellow pigment called bilirubin. The problem is that a baby’s liver cannot easily transform it and it will therefore accumulate. This is called physiological jaundice.

Keep in mind that the intensity will vary from one baby to another. The remnants of bilirubin will most often be eliminated through the stool, and also through the baby’s skin,  often giving it a yellowish color.

Because of these possible complications, mothers of premature babies will often be worried and stressed.

You should also keep in mind that,  thanks to medical advances, the health problems of premature babies are less severe  and many premature babies have perfect health.

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