Sudden Aggression In Childhood: What Is It?

Sudden Aggression In Childhood: What Is It?

If you have children, you may have experienced sudden aggression and you are not quite sure what it is or how to deal with it. Keep reading, because we’ll give you all the information about sudden childhood aggression .

Sudden aggression in childhood

This attitude can certainly be a symptom of dissatisfaction and thus a response to this feeling. It will be a habitual behavior in which the child shows dissatisfaction with a particular situation. This is the cause of sudden aggression in childhood.

If you observe this kind of behavior, you need to ask yourself what you think is happening that is provoking this behavior. This may be the consequence of the child, for example, not being allowed to watch as much television as he wants. It may even be because of the absence of the love he needs.

Another reason why sudden aggression in childhood may occur may be related to a sense of a possible threat. In other words, the child feels threatened by something. For example, it could be a reaction to something that he did not like or that surprised him.

boy shows anger

All of these situations can provoke the following reactions:

  • Verbal aggression, such as insults or parental voice
  • To lie to escape punishment
  • Resort to tantrums to avoid punishment

When do the aggressions appear?

One of the moments when this type of behavior usually occurs is when the child has a younger brother or sister. Maybe the child feels displaced and it makes him behave this way as he feels separated from his role as the baby.

This behavior is a way in which he tries to restore his position and his power. This kind of attitude is also often seen when cousins ​​or friends come to visit as they attract further attention from the adults.

How to react to this attitude

Once you have identified the origin of the problem, it is appropriate to know how to respond to this type of behavior. The key is to offer understanding and firmness to promote the child’s manners:

  • Understand what is happening to your child. You need to assess whether your child has the right to claim his needs, and then try to satisfy them or not. If you do not believe that you should do this, then do not succumb to his demands.
  • Try to calm him down. If you notice that your child is suddenly starting to get upset, try to reassure him. To do this, you can ask him to lower his voice and tell him that if he continues to behave that way, then there will be consequences.
  • Hold on. Remember that the role of parents is to hold on and not succumb. Otherwise, the child will think that if he behaves like that, then he can get what he wants.
  • Patience is another key. Avoid losing your temper. It does not solve anything if you react to these situations with agitated behavior. As parents, we need to remain calm at all times, and we also need to reprimand the child in a calm way.

Other interesting information

Remember that children relate to others, just as their parents do. If they can see that you are maintaining a calm relationship with others, then your children will also exhibit the same behavior with their friends. But if your relationships are hostile, then your children will follow the same attitude.

boy threatens

Therefore, we need to be careful not to react to sudden aggression with more aggression. It is about social learning, which arises through aggressive behavior.

This can be translated into learning through imitation or observation of the modeled behavior. That is why it is so important for a child to have parents who are good role models.

Finally , do not forget that raising children is a challenge and it takes time and dedication. Parents should try to reach agreement so that the child’s upbringing is not contradictory, where one parent does one thing and the other parent does the opposite.

The child becomes confused if one parent allows everything and the other parent allows nothing. He will then possibly try to rebel against the parent who does not give him permission.

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