Who Says It Is Easy To Give Birth By Caesarean Section

Who says getting a C-section is easy?
Who says it is easy to give birth by caesarean section

Many women think that it is easy to give birth by caesarean section, and others believe that this makes them less of a mother. Why they believe this to be true could not be further from the truth.

Under certain circumstances, a caesarean section is the safest procedure when there are complications during vaginal birth.

In many cases, the mother does not know in advance that her baby will be born by caesarean section, and sometimes they experience a lot of fear and pain.

The mental and physical pain increases with each passing minute; no one is relieved to find out that they need to have a cesarean section.

Lying on a stretcher for hours in pain and anxiety while hearing words that scare you is not easy. But it is the easiest part of the procedure because going to an operating room is not easy.

Unfortunately, we are also criticized for giving birth in this way, as if we are narrow-minded and we have chosen the easy way out.

Some people believe that we can actually give birth naturally, but we have chosen the more comfortable option and that is not true.

But even if that is the case, it would still be our decision. It is a groundbreaking procedure that we can choose if we wish. The reasons for choosing a caesarean section are not known to others.

You will not become a lesser mother by giving birth by caesarean section

For some reason, many people, even women, criticize other women who get a caesarean section. It is believed to be the easy solution that some choose to avoid complications and atrocities in a vaginal birth.

To look down on mothers giving birth in this way is petty and certainly unfair.

Some people think they are more female than others for the simple fact of having given birth vaginally. But that is not the case. A cesarean section is not easier.

All aspects of surgery can be risky, daunting and complex. Of course, we would rather have a stress- and worry-free birth, but that is not always up to us.

The truth is that if a mother chooses this option, she is free to do so. The doctors who are trained to do so are there to perform the surgery.

If the risks are greater, it is our problem and no one should share their opinion in a malicious way.

Recovering from a caesarean section takes longer than a normal birth, which can be overnight. In the weeks that follow, the help of your partner and other relatives is crucial to whether you can be able to take care of your baby.

Getting up, coughing, sneezing or laughing will be painful.

Therefore, it is advisable to have a pillow to support the incision and prevent your stitches from going up. The nurse will also help and check in to you often.

The healing process after a caesarean section takes longer

We can understand that some people would have a bad opinion about cesarean section because it seems more dangerous and more complicated, but not because it seems easy.

A woman’s body takes longer to recover after a caesarean section, but there are also dangers during natural childbirth.

Although many mothers do not know this, there are many things that hurt after a cesarean section. It is very common for gases to accumulate in the stomach. This is primarily because the intestines are inactive after surgery.

If you are struggling with this, it can be helpful to get up and move, and take small steps when you go to the bathroom.

Being on the move without straining yourself prevents you from developing blood clots. Feeling of tenderness and swelling is normal during the first few days ; Good treatment at home is the best way to recover.

You should also urinate frequently so that your bladder does not press on your wound. Depending on what the doctor tells you, your stitches will be taken out.

This can happen within a few days of your procedure, or if you need more time for the wound to heal, as the doctor will inform you.

Expectant parents

In the following cases, you should consider contacting your doctor

  • If the pain gets worse
  • If you have a fever
  • If you feel pain or burning when urinating
  • If the cut area is swollen or red

It would be nice if you could spend your time on rest, but you need to move to help heal the wound. In addition, walks help you avoid complications with blood clots after a cesarean section.

Although you must not overdo it for the first few days, you can retrain by going little by little. Regulate your physical activity until a doctor allows you to perform more moderate exercise.

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