First-time Mother Dilemma: Cesarean Section Or Natural Birth

First-Time Mother Dilemma: Cesarean Section Or Natural Birth

Pregnancy is a wonderful stage in the life of all women. We wake up caressing our bellies and are full of wonder. But we also face the dilemma of not knowing what the best way is to give birth to our baby: through cesarean section or natural birth.

It is a difficult decision that we cannot take lightly. The advice and recommendations we receive from our mother, in-laws, sisters, and friends actually make it worse.

Something as natural and necessary as  giving birth becomes a dilemma that sometimes overshadows this beautiful phase.

Being pressured and confused is actually the norm for first-time mothers today, as  the information we hear and read is often conflicting. 

One day your best friend recommends cesarean section because she had a good experience with it. Two weeks later, she calls and says she met someone who had stomach ulcer problems.

“You decide for yourself when you know better…” Then she hangs up and leaves you with even more doubt.

The dilemma: Cesarean section or natural birth?

Before we get pregnant, we are often unsure of how  we want to feed our babies naturally through the vaginal canal.

But when we see detailed information or uncensored videos of the process, the fear sometimes takes over. It makes us soothe our minds and suddenly we decide to choose cesarean section. Thus begins the dilemma.

This article is not to convince you that cesarean section is the best method. This article is to enlarge the picture to help you remove any doubts that you may have to make the right decision.

What should we expect from a natural birth?

Pregnant woman


The doctor gives you a possible date of birth in relation to your last menstrual period. However, it can be both sooner or later.

Long birth

Many mothers are lucky enough to give birth quickly. They only experience contractions for a few hours from their first contraction until “the water goes”. Other mothers may experience labor pains for up to 18 hours.

All this depends on the enlargement of the cervix. It must reach an extension of 10 centimeters before the birth can take place. 

Some mothers become very weak after several hours of birth. If this happens, the doctor may recommend a caesarean section on the last stretch.

Be back in record time

We all want our babies in our arms and get home to the family as soon as possible.

The good news is that with natural births,  mothers only need to be under the doctor’s supervision for one day before they can come home in case of any problems.

The new mother can take care of her baby and get into her normal routine relatively quickly.

What should we expect from a caesarean section?


As simple as they may seem, cesarean sections all carry the risk of surgery and anesthesia. They also require longer supervision by a doctor after surgery.

Mothers are usually allowed to go home after 48-72 hours depending on their condition.


Sometimes mothers may want to have a natural birth, but the doctor recommends a caesarean section for the following reasons: The size of the fetus, the mother’s narrow pelvis, intrauterine infections, preeclampsia or placenta previa.

There is a long list of indications where cesarean section is safer for the mother than a natural birth.

The scary scar. The incision, called a laparotomy, is made horizontally in the abdomen and is sewn, where the sutures are removed seven days after the operation.

The wound may cause some discomfort for the first few hours, but it should never be touched. To prevent infections, the dressing should not be removed after the doctor has placed it.

Long-term care

Cesarean section involves a wide range of measures to be followed. We can not do a lot of work right after.

It is important to avoid bending and resting for extended periods of time before resuming our normal physical activities.

Women often find themselves when motherhood comes. The decision to have a baby – whether it is by caesarean section or natural birth – does not mean that it will make you a supermom.

You must first think about your safety and the alternatives that best suit your circumstances.

Do not forget that when the day finally comes, when you get your new love in front of you, it must be a magical experience. Trust your doctor when it comes to the birth of your baby.

You should also enjoy the time the baby spends in your womb as much as possible.

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