Vaginal Tears At Birth: Everything You Should Know

During the 9 months of pregnancy, women have to prepare their body for childbirth.
Vaginal tears at birth: Everything you should know

Vaginal tears at birth are a very common occurrence. In today’s article, we’ll tell you what to look out for.

Almost all women experience pain both during and after childbirth. Some women also experience what we call “vaginal tears” at birth.

It is true that the vagina stretches during birth. However, the pressure of the baby through the pelvis can  cause the skin and the underlying muscles to become tense. It can cause the vagina to rupture – a problem that will require repair.

Vaginal tears are quite common at birth. Women who are most at risk of getting rips are first-time mothers and those giving birth to very large babies. 

Finally,  mothers who are in labor for an extended period of time are  also at higher risk of getting vaginal tears.

Depending on the severity of the tears, women may need to be sewn or need special creams. Below, we will describe the different types of vaginal tears that exist, as well as ways to prevent them.

Types of vaginal tears at birth

There are several different types of vaginal tears:

  • First-degree operation:  A small defect in the perineum that only affects the skin. As a rule, this requires no stitches.
  • Second degree:  Further damage to the groin that affects both the skin and the pelvic floor muscles. It requires stitches.
  • Third degree operation:  Affects the pelvic floor muscles to a greater extent and extends to the anal sphincter.
  • Fourth degree rupture:  Occurs when the rupture extends completely from the vagina to the rectum, damaging the entire perineum. It requires a seam on an operating table.

How to avoid vaginal tears at birth?

While there is no warranty, there are certain caveats that can help prevent this type of damage. Below, we will tell you how to reduce your risk of suffering from vaginal tears. Pay close attention to the following.

woman with labor pains

1. Prepare your body

During the 9 months prior to childbirth, women need to prepare their body for this event. For example, it is important to include some form of exercise in your daily routine during pregnancy.

Among other benefits,  exercise improves circulation, thus improving the elasticity of the skin. It also promotes the blood supply to the perineum and vagina.

At the same time, we recommend that you  maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids so that you nurture your skin and muscles. Include foods rich in omega-3s, low-fat proteins and a wide variety of vegetables to complete your healthy diet.

Finally, make sure you get enough vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc. It gives your body the ability to stretch and heal after birth.

2. Massage the crotch

Preparing the crotch during pregnancy reduces the risk of vaginal tears for first-time mothers. Massage can help women become familiar with their own body and gain self-confidence according to their ability to give birth.

However, if you are not comfortable around the idea of ​​massaging the crotch, keep in mind that it is not an indispensable requirement.

3. Vaginal tears at birth: The position of birth is important

Without a doubt,  the birth position you choose when you have to push has a big impact on the likelihood of getting rips. For example, you can lie on your side with your legs up or exert pressure on the coccyx or crotch. This reduces the size of the pelvic floor and increases your chance of not rupturing.

When it comes to choosing a position of food in,  follow your instincts. The position that makes you feel comfortable is the right position for you. Therefore, you need to move around freely until you find a position that helps you get through your contractions.

In any case, the position where you are on all fours (hands and knees) is the position that causes the least pressure on your groin.

4. Exercises for the pelvic floor

Exercises for the pelvic floor are for strengthening the muscles in the pelvis. The idea is that the muscles should return to their normal shape after birth, and also reduce your risk of experiencing incontinence.

It is also important that you learn to relax your pelvic floor muscles  as it provides the maximum space for your baby so that it can move downwards. By just a few minutes a day, you can make huge progress.

countdown to term

5. Avoid cuts in the middle flesh

Cut in the groin is a surgical incision performed on the skin and muscles to enlarge the opening in the vagina. Ironically, this intervention does not protect the crotch during birth. In fact, it increases your risk of suffering from a lesion.

What happens is that as soon as the incision is made,  the baby’s head will cause the muscles to rupture even more. 

Finally, keep in mind that  vaginal tears at birth, unfortunately, are quite common in a large number of women. 

The best thing you can do to heal and reduce the pain is to avoid activities that require effort. In addition, take warm water baths to soothe the pain and apply packets of ice to relieve any swelling.

The World of Children The World of Children

The World of Children

Overcoming the fear of childbirth is easier said than done. It is common for women to feel fear and anxiety as their due date approaches.

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