Preparations For Attachment Parenting

Preparations for attachment parenting For attachment parenting:
Preparations for attachment parenting

Although attachment parenting is nothing new, the concept has become popular in recent years.

Parents who consciously choose to perform this method of parenting often face great criticism from those around them.

This is because Western societies, like ours, value productivity and independence above all else.

Choosing to raise your children according to attachment theory means sacrificing your own independence to meet your baby’s natural (and normal) demands.

Difficulties in attachment parenting

We live in a competitive society where possessions and appearance are more important than happiness.

When you choose attachment parenting, you choose to break away from this skewed value system.

We welcome your decision, but we would also like to give you an overview of some of the difficulties you are likely to encounter in the future:

Strict hospital protocols

First of all, you need to do some research at the hospital where you are planning to give birth to your baby. Ask especially about the support they provide for breastfeeding.

It is important that they respect your desire to have your baby given as soon as the baby is born.

In addition, the hospital must let you sleep in the same room as your baby. The medical staff should never give your baby milk powder without your consent.

In other words, the hospital should not decide these things for you.

Short maternity leave

Many mothers decide to leave the labor market to stay at home with their children. However, more and more mothers need to return to the labor market to support their families.

Unfortunately, there are many obstacles that do not allow us to balance our time in the way we would like.

Mother and baby

Leaving your child in the care of others is a very difficult decision to make. But sometimes it’s the only option we have.

Keep in mind that your child will also feel the separation. When you get home, do not immediately go to the kitchen or the laundry room. Dedicate this time to your child to compensate for your time apart.

Loss of confidence in your own abilities

You will probably hear very negative feedback on how to raise your child: You do not have enough milk. You hold your baby too much. Your baby is crying because he is spoiled. If you still let your baby sleep with you, she will never be independent.

Friends, family and strangers are all prone to expressing their own opinions on what to do differently. At times, these comments can cause you to lose confidence in yourself and your decisions.

But think about it! Do humans really need milk powder, bottles, pacifiers, bouncy castles and crawling yards to survive? Or were these items simply created to replace the one thing that babies really need: their mother?

If you have problems, search for information. Seek help if you need it. Follow your maternal instincts and you will probably find the best solution for what is bothering your little one.

Your own doubt and uncertainty

Even when you listen to your maternal instincts and maintain your confidence, we all tend to be in doubt.

Being a mother is not easy. It’s a big responsibility, so it’s normal if you’re wondering if you’re doing things right.

The same doubts will help you evaluate yourself and try to improve certain areas.

Social disapproval regarding your parenting methods

Even with the best of intentions, outside opinions can be quite overwhelming. Friends and family often drown new mothers with information and suggestions that end up lowering their self-esteem.

Do not pay too much attention to all these voices. Focus on getting to know your child and learning to decode her signs and cues.

People can tell you that your parenting techniques will make your child weak. But the truth is, attachment parenting gives your child the emotional security of being an independent adult. You are raising a child with a healthy self-esteem.

Happy mother and son

Wounds from your childhood

Depending on your own personal childhood, parenting can lead to past wounds that are very difficult to face. Becoming a mother gives you a unique opportunity to discover yourself and explore your inner child.

Heal your wounds, forgive and move on. When you raise your child with respect and understanding, you also give your inner child permission to be accepted, respected and understood.

Do not forget that being a parent is a daily learning experience and that we all make mistakes.

Attachment parenting is parenting with love. And nothing done with love and self-sacrifice could ever be wrong.

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