The Song That Is Scientifically Designed To Make Your Baby Laugh

The song that is scientifically designed to make your baby laugh
The song that is scientifically designed to make your baby laugh

There is a song that was specially designed to make your baby laugh. It’s called the Happy Song and was created by a group of researchers from the UK.

The song is about two minutes long, during which time your baby will hear a simple and well-studied combination of sounds. The sounds vary from the sea, the animals, the musical instruments and a woman’s voice, which is always soothing for children.

Making your baby laugh is just one of the benefits of this song for them. It also stimulates them and makes them feel comfortable.

A special song developed for babies

In a collaboration with approx. 2,300 parents asked Caspar Addyman and musical psychologist Lauren Steward parents to name sounds that made their babies laugh. This was the first necessary step to make this special song that will make your babies laugh.

They took the average of all answers given by parents. The most commented sounds were: sneezing, animal sounds and other babies laughing. After making a selection of sounds, the song was tested on about 50 babies.

During the tests, the specialists measured the reactions that the babies made. They saw their movements, facial expressions, pulse and vocalizations to see which parts of the song generated a good and positive mood.

They then compiled all their information and decided to record Happy Song. The song has sounds of nature, a horn and a small burst of emotion to keep the babies listening attentive. And as we have said before, the song also contains a woman’s voice.

In addition to Happy Song, there are many songs that can help make your baby laugh .

Children like repetitions and predictable music because it gives them satisfaction by being able to anticipate something they knew would happen. For example: Muh for a cow or beep for a chicken.

The researcher also claims that babies are more likely to like faster music because their hearts work at a faster pace than adults.

make your baby laugh with music
make your baby laugh

Songs that stimulate positively – make your baby laugh

Music can have many positive effects on your children in addition to laughter. The researcher has already begun to study some of these effects. For example, researchers from the University of Washington have shown that by keeping rhythm with music, babies can improve their cognitive skills.

During the first two months of life, they prefer lullabies or short instruments. These slow songs remind them of their mother’s heartbeat. And this makes them relax. Music reduces stress levels by having a relaxing effect on children.

It has also been shown that 9-month-old babies exposed to multiple music sessions are able to identify multiple melodies and song patterns. These skills will help them learn new things quickly.

It has also been proven in the last decade, music favors brain development in children. It also helps them stimulate certain skills that can help them learn.

Music as an ally

make your baby laugh with music
baby listens to music

Music can also help them improve their concentration and creativity. It stimulates psychomotor development. When they start walking, they will also enjoy a better balance. They will move harmoniously.

Lyrics in particular have a positive effect on language development. They encourage active connections in the language area. Therefore, listening to music and getting to know songs will definitely help your baby to speak fluently.

Premature babies, who are often exposed to musical melodies, have been shown to improve their eating habits. They also have positive effects in physical aspects like heart and breathing.

These are just a few of the positive effects that your children can benefit from by listening to music. Of course, not listening to music makes the kids gifted. But it helps them develop in different ways.

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