The Most Common Bad Habits In Young Children

Bad habits in young children can turn into serious problems later in life. With this in mind, it is important for parents to keep an eye on warning signs and intervene in time to correct them.
The most common bad habits in young children

Children mimic the behaviors of those around them. If children spend all their time around people with bad habits, then they will get them too.

This is something very important to keep in mind when talking about how to correct bad habits in young children.

How is a habit formed?

Habits are formed when we repeat behavior unconsciously. Bad habits in young children can be due to a physical or mental problem.

Habits can give rise to obsessive behaviors, which should be treated by a doctor or psychologist.

Bad habits in young children

Some bad habits in young children can have a direct impact on health. Others affect relationships and family life.

In either case, it is important to change negative habits early on so that they do not become permanent.

Healthy diet

Eating junk food is a very common bad habit today. In fact, there are children who do not want to eat anything other than fast food.

One consequence of this habit is, among other things, childhood obesity and high blood pressure.

To get kids out of this habit,  make recipes that contain a variety of foods and that are visually appealing to the child.

If there is a particular food they do not like, swap it for something else within the same food group.

Ask your child to participate in the cooking: they are more likely to eat something they have helped prepare.

Children eat soup with bread

2. Eat in front of the TV

Studies show that eating in front of the TV can lead to weight gain. The child’s brain is focused on their favorite TV show and does not get the message that they are full, which leads to overeating.

Dinner should also be a chance for the family to sit together and talk about their day.

Bad and insulting language

As we mentioned before, children imitate what they see. If the adults at home are rude to each other or use bad language, the child will adopt this habit, which is difficult to change.

When outside the home, children will repeat swear words in front of their teachers and other adults. The change of this should begin at home, by giving a better example.

4. Computer, video games and television

Technology and time in front of the screen can turn from a hobby into an addiction. In fact, it can even be harmful to our health.

Many children do not want to play outside because they are stuck inside with their computer and smartphone.

Too much time in front of the screen can cause sleep problems and affect the child’s social development.

By spending too much time online or playing, children can fall behind with homework.

To prevent or correct these bad habits in young children, you need to make e a routine and ensure that they never sit in front of the screen for more than two hours at a time.

However, technology dependence can also cover for an underlying problem. Many children who suffer from insecurity or anxiety rely on technology to escape to that world.

If you notice anything more serious, contact a doctor.

5. Suck on thumb or nose pluck

Sometimes young children suck their thumb instead of a pacifier. This is a bad habit that appears early but usually disappears on its own.

If it does not, consult a specialist to ensure that it does not cause problems with the baby’s palate.

Nasal plucking is another unpleasant practice, and can lead to nosebleeds. Young children tend to do so unconsciously.

Make sure the child is aware of what they are doing every time they put their finger up their nose and you will be well on your way to breaking the habit.

6. Goes to bed late

Young children need between 11 and 13 hours of sleep a night. If children do not get enough rest, they will be irritable, distracted, tired and lethargic. This can lead to memory loss and slow thinking.

Little girl sleeping

Not enough sleep can also create hormonal imbalances. Establishing a reasonable bedtime and maintaining a routine without exceptions is the way to change this habit.

For example, making sure your kids eat their dinner early, and help them stay in bed by reading to them.

7. Poor hygiene

Hygiene is fundamental to good health and a normal social life. Many children are reluctant to take a bath or will not always brush their teeth after a meal.

But this resistance can become a bad habit. Make sure the whole family gets into the routine of washing their hands often, taking a daily bath and brushing their teeth regularly.

Remember that children get habits from their parents, so show with examples.

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