All About The Theory Of The Many Intelligences

Do you know what the theory of the many intelligences is about and why it is important? We will tell you about that below!
All about the theory of the many intelligences
The theory of the many intelligences arose thanks to Howard Gardner. In his 1983 book  Frames and Mind  , he expanded the definition of intelligence and described the different types of intellectual competencies.

He developed eight different types and explained that we can all have these intelligences and even more than one. Furthermore, each person may differ from others depending on their experience or their genetics. In any case, it is important to know the many intelligences to develop them.

The theory of the many intelligences

Linguistic or linguistic-verbal intelligence

Linguistic or linguistic-verbal intelligence is part of Howard Gardner’s theory of the many intelligences. It is about the  sensitivity to the spoken and written language and the ability to learn languages. At the same time, it refers to the ability to use language to achieve certain goals. 

People with linguistic intelligence, such as William Shakespeare and Oprah Winfrey, have the ability to analyze information and create products that involve spoken and written language, such as speeches, books, and memos.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Lawyer
  • Speaking
  • Author
  • Journalist
  • Lecturer

Logical-mathematical intelligence

At the same time, logical-mathematical intelligence refers to the  ability to analyze problems in a logical way, perform mathematical actions, and investigate questions scientifically. People with logical-mathematical intelligence have the ability to develop equations and tests and make calculations. Likewise, they can solve abstract problems. Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are examples of this intelligence.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Mathematician
  • Accountant
  • Statistics
  • Researcher
  • Computer scientist
  • Engineer

Spatial intelligence

Spatial intelligence has the potential to recognize and manipulate patterns in an open area. This applies, for example, to what navigators and pilots use. At the same time, they can recognize and manage patterns in more limited areas, such as those that are important to sculptors, surgeons, chess players, graphic artists, performers, or architects.

People with spatial intelligence  have the ability to recognize and manipulate comprehensive, detailed, spatial images. Here we have, for example, Frank Lloyd Wright and Amelia Earhart. It is without a doubt an excellent ability.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Pilot
  • Surgeon
  • Architect
  • Graphic artist
  • Interior designer

Kinetic-bodily intelligence

Kinetic-bodily intelligence is the  potential to use the whole body or parts of the body (such as the hands or mouth) to solve problems or create products. People with kinetic-bodily intelligence have the ability to use their body to create products, perform skills or solve problems through the connection between the body and the mind. This applies, for example, to Michael Jordan and Simone Biles.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Dancing
  • Athlete
  • Surgeon
  • Mechanic
  • Carpenter
  • Physiotherapist

Musical intelligence – one of the many intelligences

Furthermore  , musical intelligence refers to the ability to interpret, compose, and appreciate musical patterns. Therefore, people with musical intelligence have the ability to recognize and create musical tones, rhythm and timbre. Examples include Beethoven and Ed Sheeran.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Singer
  • Composer
  • DJ
  • Musician

Interpersonal intelligence

Next, interpersonal intelligence is the  ability to understand the intentions, motivations, and desires of other peoples and therefore an ability to work effectively with others. People with interpersonal intelligence also have a greater capacity to recognize and understand the moods, desires, motivations, and intentions of other peoples. We can mention, for example, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa here.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Teacher
  • Psychologist
  • Manager
  • Sales person
  • Public relations

Intrapersonal intelligence

Likewise, intrapersonal intelligence is the  ability to understand oneself, to have an effective working model, including one’s own desires, fears, and abilities, and to use this information effectively to regulate one’s own life. 

At the same time, people with intrapersonal intelligence have the ability to recognize and understand their own moods, desires, motivations, and intentions. Having this kind of intelligence can help people understand what life goals are important and how they can achieve them. Aristotle and Maya Angelou, for example, possessed this kind of intelligence.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Entrepreneur

The last of the many intelligences: Naturalistic intelligence

Finally, naturalistic intelligence involves  experience in recognizing and classifying many species – flora and fauna – in their environment. In other words, people with naturalistic intelligence have the ability to identify and distinguish between different types of plants, animals, and weather formations that exist in the natural world. For example, we can look at Charles Darwin and Jane Goodall.

Possible career opportunities:

  • Botanist
  • Biologist
  • An astronomer
  • Meteorologist
  • Geologist

Now that you know the eight intelligences that make up Garder’s theory of the many intelligences, you may have identified with one or more of them. Furthermore, you may recognize some of them in your children. In any case, what matters is that you always follow your learning instincts to develop your full potential.

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