Before You Visit A ​​Newborn Baby: Remember These 8 Things

There are many things to keep in mind before visiting a newborn baby. The visit should be a joyous experience for both the newborn baby and the new parents.

There are things to keep in mind before visiting a newborn baby. Have you ever asked yourself if you live up to the expectations of your baby’s parents? What is right? What is wrong? How to behave? Do you want to disturb the parents and the baby? In today’s article, we give you good advice so you can prepare before you visit a newborn baby.

Keep these things in mind before visiting a newborn baby

In order for your visit to be a pleasant visit for the new parents – and not something that creates discomfort – we would like to offer you some good advice.

Avoid visiting a newborn if you are ill

Parents will be happy to introduce their new baby to friends and family. But they also want to make sure that their little baby does not get sick.

Therefore, it is best that we wait to visit the baby if we are sick. This is also true if it’s just a cold. His parents will be hugely grateful and they will look forward to your visit when you are well.

Call in advance

It is best that you call or send a message before visiting a newborn baby. This way, you can be sure that it does not fit badly into their program. It could be that the baby needs to be breastfed, that the family is trying to get some sleep, or that they already have guests.

The first few days of the baby’s life are a delicate time, so it’s not the best idea to show up without giving notice. Make sure it is okay with the parents before visiting a newborn baby.

Be respectful if there are many guests

Make sure there are not many visitors in advance before trooping up to the delivery room or into the newborn’s home. Sometimes it can be difficult to control this problem as friends and family would like to be present and unfortunately not everyone notifies in advance before they show up.

Therefore, go home again if there are more people present than you expected and you think your visit will be too overwhelming. 

Do not wake the baby

This, of course, is pretty obvious. No one likes to be woken up when they sleep. Newborns need sleep, and we must respect that.

Never wake a sleeping baby, nor suggest it. You may be curious to see what eye color the baby has, but it is the baby’s needs that come first.

Do not give unsolicited advice

Do not give your opinion if you have not been asked. Your advice will only make the new parents feel uncomfortable, and it may remind them of their lack of experience.

Remember that there is no right way to raise children. So respect the methods that are different from your own.

The baby’s parents will quickly gain experience and discover what works best for them and their baby. Be respectful and then it can not go wrong.

Always wash your hands before touching a newborn

Resist the temptation to pick up the baby if the parents do not offer that you can hold him. Depending on the situation, you may want to avoid asking if you can hold the baby so that the parents do not feel uncomfortable.

It is true that newborns produce our soft side and our desire to hold them in our arms. But leave the baby alone unless you have been given permission.

Make sure you have just washed your hands if you have been allowed to hold the baby or touch him – your hands should be clean. Our hands are full of bacteria and the last thing you need is to make the baby sick.

Where to kiss the baby?

You should avoid the urge to kiss the baby while holding him. Some parents do not mind, but others do. It is best to avoid kissing for safety’s sake.

If you still end up giving the baby a kiss, then it is best that it is on the newborn’s feet. You can unknowingly spread the infection if you kiss the baby’s face or hands.

Offer a helping hand

You can also offer the parents a helping hand. The new parents are no doubt exhausted and they will not have the time or energy to do everything that needs to be achieved.

You might be able to take care of the older sister or brother, go out shopping for them, cook a meal, or do some household chores. You will no doubt help the new parents.

If you take the initiative to help with whatever needs to be done, then you are giving the tired and stressed parents a chance to relax and enjoy their new family member.

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