Bronchiolitis: Can It Be Prevented And Avoided?

Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection that has symptoms similar to a common cold.
Bronchiolitis: Can it be prevented and avoided?

One of the most common questions about children’s health is whether it is possible to prevent bronchiolitis. Read today’s article to learn more about bronchiolitis .

Both acute bronchiolitis and chronic bronchiolitis are often unavoidable. But there are certain things you can do to reduce the risk. 

Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection in which the symptoms resemble a common cold. However, in babies and other vulnerable people in the population, it can lead to serious complications.

One in four doctor visits that deal with bronchiolitis results in a hospital visit for babies. For this reason, experts recommend taking a trip to the doctor when the cold symptoms worsen.

Symptoms of bronchiolitis

As we mentioned earlier, symptoms of bronchiolitis can look like a fairly common cold. 

If your baby has cold symptoms that seem to be getting worse, it is extremely important that you go to the doctor and get the necessary tests done.

These are the primary symptoms:

  • Chest pain.
  • A wet cough that produces mucus. If it is yellowish, it is probably a bacterial infection.
  • Fatigue.
  • Fever, usually low.
  • Breathing problems.
  • The hiss.
little baby has a fever

Other symptoms may include:

  • Inflammation of the ankles, feet and legs.
  • Bluish lips due to breathing problems.
  • Recurrent, secondary respiratory infections such as colds or flu.

How to prevent bronchiolitis

To reduce the risk of your baby getting bronchiolitis, pay attention to their environment and surroundings.

Be careful when other people touch your baby, and always maintain good hygiene to prevent health problems.

These tips will be useful to avoid bronchiolitis:

1. It is extremely important to wash your hands before touching your baby, especially if you have just returned home.

2. Wash teddy bears and wipe surfaces and other toys that have been in contact with your child’s hands and mouth.

3. Avoid tobacco smoke in any case. It is important that you do not smoke in the home or around the baby. The tobacco remains on surfaces and in fabric.

4. Change clothes if you have been in a smoky environment.

5. Avoid bronchiolitis by ventilating the home every day. Make sure it is not too cold or too hot.

6. Avoid places where there is a high risk of your child becoming infected. These can be hospitals, clinics and public transport.

7. Use disposable washcloths whenever possible to avoid infection.

8. Cover your mouth with your arm when coughing or sneezing. Do not use your hand. Teach your child to do the same.

9. Breastfeeding provides some resistance to bronchiolitis. Experts therefore recommend that women breastfeed until the baby is 6 months old.

10. Talk to your doctor about possible vaccinations if they are in a high-risk group.

baby is being vaccinated

Treatment for bronchiolitis

There is no specific treatment for viral bronchiolitis, but there are some things we can do to relieve the symptoms. 

Antibiotics are not very useful in this case: they treat infections caused by bacteria, not viruses. You can follow some of these tips:

  • Use a nasal spray that contains saline solution. Remember to follow the pediatrician’s advice.
  • Use a nasal tube to brush your baby’s nose. This works best in the first six months.
  • Paracetamol can help reduce the fever, but you should always talk to your doctor before giving your child any medication.
  • It is important that your baby gets plenty to drink. Keep in mind that they are losing their appetite due to breathing problems.

It is important that you talk to your pediatrician to have your baby checked for bronchiolitis if you notice cold symptoms that last more than a few days.

One of the reasons why this disease can be so dangerous is because it often goes unnoticed until the moment when the child’s health is in serious danger.

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