Four Superfoods For Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, it is important to take care of your diet in detail. To make this task easier for you, here is a list of superfoods for pregnant women with information on each one.
Four superfoods for pregnant women

During pregnancy, taking care of your diet is crucial. An error at this point can cause problems in fetal development or maternal health, so it is necessary to be careful and organized. For this reason, we will show you some superfoods for pregnant women.

Before we begin, it is necessary to clarify that many nutritionists do not like the term superfood. This is because it makes people believe that these products have miraculous properties when this is not the case. They are simply foods that stand out for their functionality or for their content of important nutrients.

Superfoods for pregnant women

Let’s then talk about the most important superfoods that can be included in the diet of pregnant women.


A pregnant woman enjoys a bowl of yogurt

Yogurt is a necessity in almost any diet. It contains high quality proteins and essential micronutrients, such as vitamin D. The latter, in combination with calcium, causes bones to be healthy and strong. It says a study published in the journal Frontiers of Hormone Research.

In addition, yogurt contains probiotic bacteria. These bacteria settle in the digestive tract and selectively colonize it. They help improve bowel transit to avoid constipation. In addition, they are able to stimulate the formation of short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory potential.

Yogurt is not the only food that stands out with its probiotic content . It is possible to find these microorganisms in other foods that have undergone a fermentation process, such as kefir.

Nuts and dried fruit

Nuts are foods with high energy and nutritional density. They contain proteins, high quality fatty acids and essential micronutrients. Among all these elements, it is necessary to specifically mention the fatty acids in the omega 3 series.

These compounds are able to help maintain a balance in the internal environment and exert an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, these nutrients produce a more efficient development of the nervous system of the fetus, as stated in an article in the journal Nutrients .


Legumes provide a significant amount of fiber, which helps stimulate intestinal transit and avoid constipation. They also contain essential micronutrients such as iron and folic acid. The latter is important during pregnancy as a lack of it can cause problems in the closure of the neural tube.

It should be noted, however, that proteins in legumes have a low biological value. They do not contain all the essential amino acids and are not digested optimally. To overcome the limitations in terms of amino acids , experts recommend combining them with grains.

Fat fish

Fatty fish stand out for their proteins and omega-3 fatty acids with high biological value. Both nutrients are essential for both the mother and the fetus.

Grilled salmon with vegetables

As they are a kind of marine animal, they also help to increase the presence of iodine in the diet. This mineral is important for the function of the thyroid gland. A decrease in iodine levels in the body can aggravate hypothyroidism and affect the well-being of the mother.

Include superfoods for pregnant women in your diet

If you are pregnant, it is important that you increase the presence of the foods we have just reviewed in your diet. They will all help ensure proper fetal development as well as maintenance of your health. However, if you feel too tired despite taking care of your diet, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

You should also keep in mind that during pregnancy there are certain foods and substances that are important to avoid. Alcohol and tobacco are clear examples, but there are others such as coffee and cinnamon. In this regard, we recommend that you follow your doctor’s recommendations to avoid consuming a product that may be counterproductive.

Lastly, do not forget that it is important to promote the importance of physical activity during pregnancy. Exercise should be of low intensity and adapted to individual abilities, but in any case avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

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