Hunting For Popularity Among Teenagers

Seeking popularity can become an obsession for some teens, and this is where we should respond. Here are some warning signs you should be aware of. 
Hunting for popularity among teenagers

It is natural to be on the hunt for popularity, among teenagers,  as long as it is within normal parameters. Socialization becomes a fundamental part of their lives. Teenagers need to identify with their social circle and feel that they belong and are accepted.

Sometimes, we see everything that occurs during adolescence as an entangled mass of problems. We categorize teens’ behaviors as complex, difficult, and conflict-ridden, which simply makes the change process even more problematic.

Puberty is a stage in which there are obvious physical changes. Hormones play an important role and teenagers try to build their identity. Their emotions are unstable and it is natural that they, sometimes,  do not even understand what is happening. 

As adults living with teens, whether they are parents, family members, or educators, we must always keep in mind that these changes affect them in different ways. Therefore, it is important that we remain empathetic and open to listening to them and understanding them.

During this stage, children try to figure out who they really are. The family ceases to be the center of their universe,  and their friends and the world around them become the reference point for everything. It makes popularity a cornerstone for teens.

Uncertainty and low self-esteem can become dangerous  when combined with the pursuit of popularity. This is where we need to pay attention to the signals teenagers are sending us.

young couple standing back to back

Risks of hunting for popularity among teenagers

To be someone you are not

We need to try to help our teens  act in a positive and authentic way,  rather than pretending to be someone they are not, to fit in.

After all, these false roles end up doing the opposite. They can make peers see someone as untrustworthy.

The search for approval can cause teens to hide feelings that are not socially acceptable,  such as sadness. This can end up being a lifelong habit and it can lead to them developing into adults who are unable to access their emotions.

Hunting for popularity can lead to inappropriate behavior in teens

If teens do not get good guidance and have an example to follow, they may end up with an exhibitionist behavior to get attention  and gain more followers, especially on social media.

Superficial relationships

If they are only focused on the pursuit of popularity, without emphasizing building true relationships, they  will create superficial, short friendships. 

What can parents do when teens are in search of popularity?

Communication and reflection

Communication is a process that needs to be maintained from the time the children are young. 

Many parents who have not kept this channel open think that when their children reach puberty, they will tell them everything. Wrong! You should always stay close to them and maintain an open and observant relationship.

If you find that your teen is too concerned about popularity,  ask what his or her motivations are and encourage him or her to reflect on them. 

What does your teenager think he or she will get out of the popularity? What will he or she do if he or she becomes very popular? Does your teenager think that his or her life will change radically?

Build healthy relationships

This is a great time for teens to join a sports team,  create a band, or get involved in any hobby that interests them. They will help them create bonds that are based on more than just the simple fact of being known.

young women taking a selfie

Respect is most important

Raising respect for yourself and others is fundamental. It is another attribute that children should learn from an early age.

Self-esteem is one of the fundamental values ​​to be set in teens. We should encourage them to take on challenges and develop, albeit with their feet on the ground and without harming anyone, including themselves.

We must not forget that hunting for popularity is essential for teens. It is up to us to give them the support they need so that it does not become a dangerous weapon  that can harm them or others.

Keep in mind that the escape does not occur suddenly overnight. It is a growth process. Therefore, we must offer our children the tools they need to meet it, right from childhood.

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