Learn To Say No In A Positive Way

There is no one who cares about preventing their children from getting what they want. Unfortunately, for parents, it is necessary to say no sometimes.
Learn to say no in a positive way

Children have the gift of being adorable, but they can also make us lose control. Although they are usually innocent and happy, they can be quite stubborn  when they settle for something in their heads. 

In situations like these, it is difficult to say no to them. Therefore, it is important for us to learn how to say no in a positive but firm way.

It does not matter if it is your child or not – most adults find it difficult to deny something to a child. They are so innocent, clean and sweet.

When we see them bored or angry, when they are denied something, the guilt can become unbearable. Either way, however, we need to be responsible and make them understand that life is not a resilient playground.

The sooner they learn that lesson, the sooner they will learn how to live. 

They need to start developing their tolerance for frustration. It is much better if this knowledge is shared by the people who love them.

Do not worry about being hated or that they will get angry at you. Saying no to a child does not require much practice. Simply take a deep breath.

Everything you do is for their own good, so you should not feel guilty. 

Advice to say no in a positive way

1. Explain to them what is going on

Talk to them before making decisions. Explain why you are refusing their request and share your reasoning with them.

Do this in a calm manner, without raising your voice so that they do not become very nervous. 

Sometimes it is better to treat the little ones in an adult way. They should acquire responsibility while also learning how to behave. 

If you explain to them why you say no, in a calm and relaxed way, they will understand.

mother looking at skeptical child

2. Be careful

They may start crying, screaming or trying to blackmail you emotionally. To avoid falling for their traps, it is important to be vigilant.

That way, you will be prepared when a similar situation arises. Children know if a parent shows weakness that they will have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. 

While keeping this in mind, do not be too harsh on them. They have feelings and their feelings can get hurt.

If they react in a bad way, be understanding and  show them that the world is not going down just because you say no. 

3. Do not have a bad conscience

Learning how to say no to a child can be difficult. But,  by creating boundaries, you will prevent them from growing up in bad manners. They will find that things do not always end the way they want.

Do not feel bad about it, even if it hurts you. It is your responsibility, as an adult, to educate the new generation. They will appreciate it as they get older.

Therefore, you need to stay calm. You are not a toxic parent to your child, you are just worried about their future.

mother scolding her daughter

4. Be persistent

Do not tell them one thing, and then another. Once you have made a decision, there is no going back – even if they have tantrums or break out in tears.

If you decide again and again, you will simply confuse the child. They do not want to know how to react to a no. 

“No” means “no”. Be persistent and do not focus on your doubts. If your children start to think that your decisions are changing, according to your mood, then they will not take you seriously.

As your relationship grows, it will become more complicated. That’s the last thing you want as a parent.

5. Be confident

It is important to be confident in them. You can say “no” to something, and “yes” to something else. That way, they  will know that you do not mind them – you are simply saying no for their own good. 

You can also make an appointment with them. If they accept and obey, you can give them a small reward.

Do not forget to  tell them how proud you are that they are responsible. It will make them feel comfortable with themselves.

In conclusion, it is your responsibility as a parent to teach them that things do not always go in the direction they want and that  not everyone will make life easier for them. 

Facing disappointing and frustrating situations in their childhood will make them mature. They will begin to understand the importance of their reactions.

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