Overcome Your Fear Of Giving Birth

Overcome your fear of giving birth
Overcome your fear of giving birth

Fear of giving birth is very common. In fact, almost all pregnant women are scared to some degree.

For first-time mothers, this anxiety is magnified by lack of experience. When you face this incredible experience for the first time, it is easy to let your head fill with thoughts that only give birth to anxiety.

Your due date is fast approaching. You have feared childbirth throughout your pregnancy, but now it is more real, more intense.

But rest assured, we know how it is and we will help you prepare for this special moment.

Why am I afraid to give birth?

It seems like a contradiction – we look forward so much to the arrival of our baby, but at the same time we have a fear of giving birth.

But there are many reasons behind this irony. Here are a few specific scary experiences many expectant mothers tend to have:

  • Fear of pain. That is an indisputable fact. Childbirth hurts a lot. When your baby is ready to come out, your body will undergo heroic changes to aid in your baby’s birth. And these changes hurt.
  • Fear of the unknown. Not knowing what to do, what to do, what steps to follow… all this creates uncertainty and therefore fear.
  • Fear of complications. You have no doubt asked yourself if anything could go wrong. The thought that things may not go according to plan or that they may take longer than expected is frightening.
  • Fear that something will happen to the child. This is something we fear from the moment we find out we are expecting a baby. But as our due date approaches, that fear grows. The thought of something happening to your baby can literally keep you awake all night.
  • Fear that something might happen. And if something happens to me? What’s going on with my baby? Our bodies are biologically prepared to give birth, but no one can guarantee that things will go as planned. Birth is an incredibly wonderful and complex achievement, but we cannot deny that sometimes danger is involved.
  • Fear of not knowing what to do with your baby. Carrying your baby in your womb is relatively easy. It really does not require much training. But when your baby is outside your body, you will wonder if you can take care of the baby in an adequate way.

How to face your fear of giving birth

Things you do not ought to do:

“I have heard stories of mothers who have really bad experiences. I’m sure it will be me too. ” If you were to believe everything you were told, you would not be able to do anything. Your personal experience is solely and uniquely yours.

“And what if…” The “what if” is a way of dealing with the things that have not even happened and are unlikely to happen. And even if they do, it’s worrying in advance that it’s not useful. Uncertainty creates fear.

“I do not want to be a good enough mother.” No mother is perfect – but being a good mother has a lot more to do with instinct than you think. Doubting your abilities will only increase your insecurity and, of course, your fears.

Things you should do:

Attend prenatal classes. The classes will explain what is to happen, step by step. You can ask all the questions you need and get the best advice to make things easier for you and your baby.

Be honest about your fears. Talking openly about your worries will lower your anxiety levels. It will also give those around you the opportunity to give you the support you need.

The best people to confide in are your partner, friends and everyone else who has experienced childbirth.

Get everything in place for your baby’s arrival. Instead of focusing on the unknown or whatever fear you may have, think of all the beautiful moments that are coming.

Enjoy imagining how your life will change for the better with the arrival of your son or daughter.

Also, remember that the doctors will be with you every single step of the way to help you and your baby.

In no time during labor and birth you will be alone. There will be specialists to guide and help you, and you know very well what to do to bring your baby into the world.

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