Rainbow Babies: Hope, They Restore In Us

Rainbow Babies: Hope, They Restore in Us

Rainbow babies are children who arrive in the world healthy and strong after their mother has experienced a miscarriage or the loss of an infant.

These rainbow babies give us more than happiness. They give us hope and a much-needed new beginning where a family can reunite itself after the loss of a child.

One topic that is not talked about often is miscarriages. The death of these unborn babies, or those who leave the earth prematurely for various reasons, to become star children who live on forever in the hearts of their parents.

It is a complex and sometimes terrible subject. Many mothers have to deal with a certain lack of social awareness. It is often said that losing a 10-year-old child is not the same as losing a baby you have not yet met or who has not yet begun to live.

We must make it clear that any loss is important. One cannot be compared to the other. Each of them is experienced in a destructive way.

Pain and hope

The pain of losing a child, even if it is due to a miscarriage, can be experienced in different ways. There will be families who face such an event with courage. And there will be mothers who fall into a state of deep helplessness where they end up developing depression.

Star babies, the babies that are born and die within the mother, are beings who existed, who fought for life, and who wanted to grow. But fate denied them this opportunity.

Something that is well known by parents of rainbow babies who can bring hope after loss is that these children are not there to replace the deceased sister or brother.

Each child has its own place in the hearts of their parents. Every baby is, and will always be, unique, even if they lost their lives prematurely.

The star baby and our inner storm

mother in grief

Spontaneous abortions and loss of infants are more common than we think.

So common that it is essential that there is psychological help available to help families, and especially mothers, who are affected by it.

  • Every woman experiences this loss in her own way. But she needs to be able to go through the pain in a safe way in community with her loved ones, and with the help of appropriate professionals.
  • Today, it is more and more common for many women to experience unsuccessful attempts to conceive. When it finally succeeds, it is possible to experience not just one, but several miscarriages.
  • This experience can be very complicated. The star children leave us and shine brightly in the sky to give us light. But the mother will for a time feel a storm inside herself. She will also experience darkness, and even the awful feeling that she is to blame for the loss. This line of thinking must be addressed and rejected.
rainbow babies

Rainbow babies: Hope in a unique form – a light in a strong heart

It can be a long or short process when grieving the loss of a child. But it will always be carried in the heart. 

It is a pain that many mothers carry around in private. And that’s something they’ll always keep in mind. But yes, they will learn to live with it.

It is normal that for a while there will be a reluctance on the part of couples to try again. The fear is there.

But over time, hope and desire become stronger than fear. The desire to become a parent again turns a miracle into a reality: a rainbow baby. A child rising from the storm and bringing dawn after dark.

It heals, soothes and at the same time transforms the mother when she gives birth to a healthy and precious baby. 

That child illuminates the gray days with thousands of shades, and it gives us thousands of chances to embrace life again with this chubby and rosy creature who greets us with their clear eyes and an eagerness to meet the outside world.

A clarity about rainbow babies

At the same time, there are things that are very clear to the mothers and fathers of rainbow babies:

  • The rainbow baby is not here to replace the star child.
  • The baby that was never born, or that we lost before their time had passed, will always have a place in the family members ‘own hearts, and in the parents’ soul, which will always keep them in the heart. The umbilical cord, golden and strong, still attaches us to the child who left this world prematurely.
  • The pregnancy with a new child, after the loss of the star child, is experienced differently. There is a fear present and it is sometimes common to feel panic, but these feelings are normal and predictable. The ideal thing to do in these situations is to maintain good communication between the couple and their doctors.
  • The birth of a rainbow baby is also a way to honor the star child. The healthy and strong child allows us to demonstrate the love we have to offer. The love that we longed to give to the other baby and that will be reflected in our love for their brother or sister.

We will do our best for both of them. For the one we have with us. And the one who looks down on us from the stars and in their place in the middle of our heart.

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