Sleepless Nights: A Mother’s Dedication To Her Child

Sleepless nights: a mother's dedication to her child

A mother’s sleepless nights can seem to last forever. A dedicated mother usually does not have much time to rest, sleep is a luxury. From the moment you begin to feel life in your womb, to the moment your children have grown up, mothers spend their nights on guard.

Each child no doubt has his or her own guardian angel. But in this case, we are not talking about the supernatural but rather about something – or someone – tangible. To be exact, someone who is right next to him.

In this article, we will take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of all mothers. Mothers invest days, months and years of sleepless nights in dedication to their children.

A pregnant mother’s sleepless nights

A mother’s sleepless nights start during pregnancy and are present at all stages of her child’s development. This is especially the case when she gets to the final stages of pregnancy where the fetus is activity through long nights without giving mother a moment of peace.

Why are mothers so likely to suffer from insomnia while pregnant? During the night, the restless movements of their forthcoming babies become more and more frequent. And of course, pains and pains in the advanced pregnancy also play an important role.

The insomnia that follows the arrival of a newborn

The baby has arrived! But even though joy and exhilaration prevail in your home, the nights have not changed. Phrases like “She will not let me sleep” or “I do not even have time to sleep” are repeated again and again by mothers around the world.

This should come as no surprise, since the first months of your little one’s life are difficult for any mother. They bring about a series of changes and a considerable amount of learning. Newborn babies often wake up and cry inconsolably.

A little relaxation on the couch is a luxury after many sleepless nights

Is he hungry? Is she too hot? Does he need a diaper change? You try everything and nothing seems to calm your baby except your own two arms. Nevertheless, a new period has begun in which a mother devotes herself completely and solely to taking care of her baby’s well-being.

As your child continues to grow up…

The eternal sleepless nights that come with motherhood

The little one grows up. There are undoubtedly many things that are starting to go more smoothly, but other factors are emerging that keep you awake at night. Before you know it, your baby is getting his first tooth, starting to eat solid food, starting to crawl and even taking his first steps.

During this period, you notice and rejoice in a wonderful fact: Your baby sleeps peacefully for extended periods at a time! In fact, if you are a particularly lucky mother, your baby will even sleep through the night. This is a monumental event for both baby and mom!

And then a new chapter begins with sleepless nights for mother: “She will not go to sleep!” Hour after hour goes by and you are a prisoner of your own hardened exhaustion. Your child refuses to give in to his insomnia, even after a long day of fun and play.

Your evening routine with a hot bath followed by a goodnight story, a lullaby, hugs, kisses and cuddling is no longer enough. No matter how hard you work to exhaust your child so he will fall asleep, you will achieve just the opposite. The little one has more energy than ever before. He wants to play, run away from his room… he even wants to jump in bed!

Other things that provoke insomnia for mothers

You’re probably thinking now that we forgot to mention the times your child is sick. These endless nights spent taking your child’s temperature and keeping an eye on her cough, rash, etc. When our children are sick, they need our time and attention even more, around the clock.

A mother’s insomnia is activated every time her child is stricken with illness, no matter how old her beloved little treasure is. “I can not be allowed to sleep” becomes our motto during the periods of alertness that keep us awake and alert to any worrying symptom our children may have.

And yes, as your child gets older, you will face a whole new category of worries. Your teen is starting to go out with friends. It does not matter if he is going to his first party or his tenth, you are going to spend the night long with his eyes wide open. In fact, you do not go to bed at all. You know that even trying to sleep is an impossibility.

“Hi hi mom, I’m going out with friends. You must not wait for me. ” So what are you planning tonight? Liters of coffee, watching a movie and, of course, having a watch nearby so you can see what time it is. Sleep? Completely impossible.

Yet, despite so many sleepless nights, mothers still give everything they have to raise their children. Out of sheer unconditional love, these “guardian angels” watch over their little ones, day and night, and take care of them at every stage of their development. A standing ovation to all of you amazing mothers!

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