Sore And Cracked Nipples: How To Treat It

Pain and cracked nipples during breastfeeding can have many causes. The most common is poor posture, which leads to ineffective breastfeeding.
Sore and cracked nipples: How to treat it

Sore and cracked nipples are a very common problem for breastfeeding mothers. This problem can have many causes, but there are also ways to treat and prevent it. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about treating sore and cracked nipples .

Breastfeeding is without a doubt one of the moments that form the unique bond between mother and child. However, not everything at this time is rosy.

Many difficulties can take some of the magic away from this phase.

One of the most common problems is sore and cracked nipples during breastfeeding. There are many reasons why this can happen.

Causes of sore and cracked nipples

  • An infection in the nipples or milk ducts. If you experience severe, excruciating pain and your baby needs to make a noticeable effort to get milk, then talk to your doctor. They will usually take a sample to identify the source of the infection and find the right solution.
  • Temporary, physiological pain. Your milk will gradually come in over the first few days. This means that your baby may need to push harder to start with in order to get food. As the days go by, breastfeeding should become less painful.
  • Improper posture during breastfeeding. If your baby is not in a position that allows her to grip properly, then pressing on the wrong places can lead to cracked skin. This can be very painful.
  • You are removing your baby from the breast too quickly. Gently press the corner of their lips with one finger, let air in and then remove your baby slowly.
  • Dysfunctional breastfeeding. If your child has a tight tongue band, then the suction mechanism may not be very effective. This can cause pain in the mother.

How to avoid sore and cracked nipples

The most important thing you can do in these cases is to check if your baby is being breastfed properly. If your baby is in the right position and grasping properly, then breastfeeding should not be painful.

There are professionals who specialize in helping new mothers with these issues. Do not hesitate to contact them. 

mother experiences pain during breastfeeding

It is best to breastfeed frequently so that you can regulate the amount of milk in your breasts.

In this way, you produce the right amount of milk from the start, thus avoiding full, sore breasts. You can also use a breast pump.

If there is a problem with your breastfeeding position, then you should seek guidance so that you can get help breastfeeding your baby more effectively. 

Advocates of breastfeeding can have helpful tips on how to avoid these problems. It includes an asymmetrical grip and a reclined position to help your baby grip without pain.

If your problems with sore and cracked nipples are due to a tight tongue band, then you should look for a position that will compensate for your baby’s difficulty breastfeeding.

Can sore and cracked nipples be avoided?

Since sore and cracked nipples are caused by breastfeeding problems, creams or conditioners are not a great help in preventing it before it happens. However, these products can help treat cracks after they occur. 

But we can not repeat it enough: it is important to address the underlying issues so that breastfeeding can be more comfortable for you and your baby. Doing this from the start is the best form of prevention and it is better than the cure.

sore and cracked nipples

Another technique that has been shown to be effective is to spray a little olive oil on the nipple and let it breathe.

Back in time, it was recommended to rub a little breast milk on the affected area. But if there is a bacterial infection, then this will only aggravate the problem.

Wash your breasts gently with water. Avoid soap as it may remove the natural protection from the skin in this area.

One last tip: it’s worth remembering that breastfeeding is fundamental in your baby’s first months of life. Finally, do not give up.

If you suffer from any of the problems we have mentioned here, then you need to be patient and seek help from experts – then it disappears after a few days.

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