Teach Your Child How To React If Other Children Hit Them

Teach your child how to react if other children hit them

No other situation can make a mother feel more sad and powerless than when children often come home from school and complain that other children are beating them. You probably feel worried and angry that your child has been the victim of bullying. And you wonder how to teach them to respond to these attacks.

For some children, a kick, bite, blow or other aggressive behavior slips out, either accidentally or out of habit, in various areas of their lives such as. at their school, in the park, on holiday, etc.

But making sure a child knows how to react when other children hit them is the responsibility of their parents . They should know the most effective ways to stop this violent behavior towards their children. And they should effectively control these situations, which are unfortunately so common.

Tips for parents on how to avoid raising an abusive child

There are a few tips that any parent can apply with their child at an early age, to prevent aggressive behavior. In addition, they can prepare their child to respond to certain situations. For example, when another child beats them.

  • As always, parents should set an example.  Children record the behaviors they see at home. Therefore, parents should avoid any form of violence so that they do not teach their children to use aggression or physical punishment as survival resources.
  • Another tip on how parents avoid instilling aggressive behavior in their children is to make their children aware of the harm they are causing to those involved. You could use your face to communicate pain or anger by being beaten. But you should always explain and shed light on the feelings of the person being harassed.
  • If other children hit your child in front of you, do not give in to them. This means that if the little aggressor was looking for it was a toy or the swing that your child used, you should not let them have this. This would send a positive message to both children about violence: By hitting you get what you want.

Violence does not solve violence

  • Never advise your child to react to violence with more violence. Do not teach them to live for an eye for an eye, or the survival of the fittest.
  • The time-out technique of punishing the misunderstood child by putting them in a corner for several minutes can be effective if your child makes the mistake of behaving like this.
  • When your child is the one who beats their playmate, accidentally or intentionally, teach them that they have done something wrong and should apologize. It is very important that they learn this from an early age. Meanwhile, the person who was beaten must be careful, but without strengthening their vulnerability, which can put them in the role of victim.
2 children beat each other with pillows

How should your child react if other children hit them?

  • Listen. Before you get angry, listen carefully to your child to fully understand where and when they were beaten and who participated in these actions. Find out whether it is a personal situation between a group of children or a hostile environment where the bully and all other harassing a single victim.
  • Ask questions. Do not try to place the blame on anyone or conduct an interrogation, just try to understand your child’s experience and the environment in which other children beat him better.
  • Use your presence to set boundaries. Help your child communicate so they can mediate and resolve the conflict. But always look for fair solutions and stick with the one who is right. But do not blame, or humiliate, the other person.
  • Offer them words that they can express themselves with. It is important to teach your child different terms to identify and put into words their own feelings so that they can deal with these situations. Being able to articulate what they feel on the inside is the first step towards asserting oneself.
  • Suggest possible solutions for your child. “What do you think you need to do to resolve this situation?” Can be a good way for both of you to reflect on the problem and try to resolve the conflict. This is much better than encouraging them to “smash their face” if another child hits them. You will probably be surprised by your child’s response.
2 children beat each other on a lawn

Communication is the way forward when you need to talk to your child about aggressive behavior

  • Show them the different options they have. Give them space to think and practice solutions so that this situation does not run out of control. Give them different ways to get out of the conflict with their friends, and you can even apply the role-playing technique.
  • Encourage verbal communication. Language is more than enough to solve everything, no matter what the problem is . Help your child set boundaries and gain respect through speaking, even when they are frustrated.
  • Before a fight, the children must be separated immediately. Put an end to the situation with firmness and determination, but without rudeness. Avoid shouting and insults.
  • Trust your child. If another child beats them and they come to you with their frustrations after what happened, give them your confidence by making them feel strong. Let them know that they will always have your unconditional support. But that they can decide how to solve their problem. Whatever it is with words, help from their friends or with the help of an authority figure. If they try to overcome these difficulties alone, you will strengthen their self-esteem and their ability to meet challenges.
  • Encourage self-confidence as a way to respond to aggression. This alternative involves standing up for one’s rights in a clear, firm and secure manner without attacking the other person.

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