The Best Foods For Your Child’s Brain

Nutrition, especially in a phase of constant development such as childhood, must be based on all aspects of growth. In other words: children’s dietary habits should be based not only on the benefits to the body but also their cognitive functions.
The Best Foods For Your Child's Brain

The best foods that our children can eat not only contain nutrition for their physical growth. Did you know that the best foods your child can eat also have the ability to boost the development of your child’s brain?

In this article, we share with you a list of all the best foods for your child’s brain.

We all know that milk and other dairy products are good for our bones. It is also common knowledge that fruits and vegetables help us grow and stay healthy.

But do you know which foods favor brain development and mental functions? Don’t worry if you do not know… you are part of the majority.

This does not mean that there are magic recipes that will make your son or daughter a future Einstein. But yes, these foods provide significant benefits to optimize the maturity of your baby’s brain. 

Below you will find a list of the best foods for a child’s brain development.

The best foods for a child’s brain

Memory, concentration and learning ability all benefit from the nutrition that certain foods offer. Your baby will not only benefit from good nutrition in childhood, but also even before they are born.

This means that a good diet during pregnancy can strengthen your baby’s cognitive development during pregnancy

The most beneficial foods for your children’s brain function are:

1. Blue fish or oily fish

Blue fish alludes to the blue hue that fish get due to the low temperature of the water they live in.

Oily fish allude to a category that includes several fish species. For example: Sardines, yellow-striped haddock, tuna, salmon, swordfish, turbot, mackerel, anchovies, cardinal fish, eel, herring, carp, yellowtail, glass eel, porbeagle and lamprey.

These fish contain important amounts of Omega 3, which is a natural oil that forms cell membranes in the brain. 

In fact, almost 60% of the total weight of the nervous system consists of lipids. Therefore, blue fish is an excellent way to nourish your children.

the best food for children

2. Pasta

We all know that carbohydrates give our bodies energy. We tend to assume that energy is consumed by our physical exertion, but carbohydrates also provide our brain with energy.

In fact, our brain consumes 20% of our daily energy resources. 

Your body absorbs carbohydrates – such as pasta – very slowly. This allows your organisms to have a constant supply of glucose as combustion for your brain. We recommend eating pasta during the day.

When it comes to breakfast products, which are also carbohydrates, it is a good idea for your child to eat them for breakfast. This gives your child energy after a long night without food. 

3. Egg yolk

The biggest advantage of the egg yolk is that it contains choline, which is a form of B-vitamin. The importance of this nutrient is that it forms myelin. A substance that covers the association of neurons called neurotransmitters.

Choline can also be found in lettuce leaves. It is important that the child receives this nutrient during their first year, as this is where the brain connections are formed. 

Of course, it is also important to choose a variety of foods that contain choline so that it is not just egg yolks.

4. Legumes and red meat

Why do we put these foods in the same category? This is because, they share the same fundamental nutrients. 

They both provide the body with proteins. Proteins are extremely important for the formation of tissues in the body. 

Not all types of protein contain essential amino acids, which are the ones that particularly contribute to the nervous system. Therefore, it is best to be careful when giving your child protein from different sources.

But both legumes and red meat offer a significant amount of iron. This mineral is favorable for the body’s absorption of oxygen, which passes to the blood and then to the brain.

Proper iron intake helps prevent lack of concentration, fatigue and fatigue.

5. Sugar

You are probably asking yourself how sugar can be on the list of the best foods for children’s brains. Sugar is important for stimulating the brain and keeping it active. 

But consumption must be limited. An excessive amount of sugar in your child’s diet can harm his or her body and put them at risk for diseases such as diabetes.

So a daily dose of two or more pieces of fruit will have a positive effect on your child’s brain development. We especially recommend bananas as they are good for improving brain functions.

A moderate amount of chocolate or cocoa in your child’s diet will also do no harm.

boy draws on blackboard

6. Dairy products

Yogurt, milk and cheese are of course a must. These foods contain large amounts of calcium, which is important for regulating nerve function. 

They are important in reducing arterial pressure, which tends to increase when we are stressed or mentally exhausted.

Calcium also plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses. It is found not only in dairy products, which are the main source, but also in nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Certain dairy products, such as Greek yogurt, provide healthy fats whose benefits are similar to those of oily fish.

The conclusion is that a proper diet is a fundamental part of the child’s development. It benefits not only children’s physical growth but also their mental functions.

Therefore, remember to include these foods in your child’s daily diet.

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