The Little Prince: Six Essential Lessons

Before you show love to others, and before you know and judge people around you, you first have to know yourself. 
The Little Prince: Six Essential Lessons

The best thing about literature is discovering the life lessons that narratives have to offer us. In this article, we will share some of the best from “The Little Prince”.

Published 76 years ago,  The Little Prince is  one of the literary works that has not only passed the test of time, but is also among the upper group of classic favorites today. Although considered a children’s literary work, children and young people often fail to understand the meaning that lies beneath the surface of the story. 

One of the most important things to keep in mind when reading is the lessons and values ​​that the book has to offer. Therefore, in this article, we will take a look at some of the most important lessons to be found in  The Little Prince.

Hopefully, it will make it easier for the adults to play a role in  relating history’s core lessons to the lives of the young people. 

Lessons from The Little Prince

1. “That which is essential is invisible to the eye”

One of the most remarkable and significant quotes from  The Little Prince is as follows:  “It is only with the heart that one can see right. What is essential is invisible to the eye. ”

the little prince and a fox

With this sentence, the author, Antoine de Saint-Euxpéry, tells us that people’s appearance is not what matters. Instead, we need to get to know people’s inner selves. We need to work to eliminate any prejudice we may have.

Another layer of significance in this quote is that  they, in truth, important things in life cannot be bought with money. Love, respect and friendship are the values ​​that really matter in people’s lives, not material things.

2. Discovering new things

Getting out of your comfort zone and discovering new things and experiences is something that everyone should do. If you never leave your comfort zone, you will lose yourself. You avoid the things, both good and bad, that life has to offer. After all, it is these experiences that help us learn more about life’s most valuable lessons. 

3. The importance of friendship

One of the book’s prominent chapters is about The Little Prince  and the Fox. They establish a true friendship. Through the affection they share, the author tries to highlight the importance of having good friends in life. Furthermore, and most importantly, how crucial it is to cultivate and maintain this kind of friendship. 

Moreover, the author wants to emphasize the  need to dedicate time to the people who really matter to us. It is the only way to create friendships that are truly meaningful to both parties.

More lessons from The Little Prince

4. Go after your dreams and get better every day

One of the main ideas in the book is the following:  “It is madness to hate all roses because you were torn by a single thorn. To give up on your dreams because one of them did not come true. ”

What the author is trying to say is that  despite all the obstacles and problems we encounter in life, we cannot give up. We have to keep striving for what we want most. We have to keep doing that until we get it.

boy watering a rose

5. The Importance of Knowing Yourself is one of the most essential lessons in The Little Prince

Before you show love to others, and before you know and judge people around you,  you first have to know yourself. 

Only in this way will you be able to know what you are capable of. In addition to knowing one’s own limits, it is fundamental to be able to have an honest look at oneself before criticizing others. This kind of self-insight is what enables our minds and hearts to exist in peace and harmony with the world.

6. You only live once

The most persistent message through  The Little Prince  is the importance of maintaining a childlike quality. This is true even when you, inevitably, get older. Despite all the problems you encounter in adulthood, it is essential to be able to have moments where you have fun and just live life. 

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