The Rights Of Premature Babies

Premature babies are usually fragile, sensitive and immature when they are born.
The rights of premature babies

When newborns arrive in the world earlier than expected, they usually need much more care than other babies. In fact,  they have certain legal rights that we need to be aware of. We will discuss the rights of premature babies, below.

Every child has, at birth, organs that are ready to function in the real world. Although their structure and shape are not identical to those of adults, they have their own characteristics.

To ensure proper development at this sensitive stage, premature babies need special care, which you should not look through fingers with.

baby lying in incubator

Clinical data of normal babies vs. premature babies

Although newborns have similar characteristics,  there are certain parameters that doctors look at when assessing whether a baby is born prematurely or not. Among them are the following:


Normal babies usually weigh between 2.7 and 3.6 kilos. Premature babies usually weigh less than 2.7 kilos. It also matters to their body composition.

Duration of pregnancy

Normal pregnancies without complications should last between 37 and 42 weeks. Premature babies are born at 36 weeks or earlier. 


very small baby feet in hand

In general, this has to do with the condition during pregnancy, maternal health, and other factors that parents can control.

Boys born after 37 weeks are between 45.7 and 53.3 cm. Girl children are also between 45.7 and 53.3 cm. Premature babies will be shorter than this, by 1.3 cm or more.

Body temperature

All premature babies often have a lower body temperature because they cannot regulate it. However, babies born after complete pregnancy will recover from this after 2 days. On the other hand,  premature babies will need artificial heat  to stabilize their own temperature.

What are the rights of premature babies?

The characteristics of babies clearly show that they are not just miniature versions of adults and they should not be treated that way. Only specialists and obstetricians / gynecologists can decide whether or not a baby should be classified as premature or not.

If a baby is born with these characteristics,  specialists should tell parents about the rights of their premature baby. Next, they will be able to intervene if they fail the special treatment.

Some rights in premature babies include:

  • Immature and weak newborn babies  need to be in the hospital because of their condition. They need help with all their problems.
  • Pregnant women need periodic check-ups so that they can fully guarantee the rights of their premature baby.
  • Premature babies have the rights to receive quality care from highly qualified, medical staff who can meet their special needs.
  • Premature babies have the right to prevention of congenital diseases. For example, blindness in newborns.
  • The family of the premature baby has the right to be fully informed about the baby’s health condition.
  • Being able to  breastfeed is one of the most important rights in premature babies. Breastfeeding will promote better development. It also helps prevent a lot of diseases.

Premature babies have very specific characteristics that make them weaker than normal newborn babies.

Therefore, these newborns need quality care from both doctors and family, which should help them overcome obstacles so that they can grow up healthy and without problems.

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