Tips To Boost The Immune System After Giving Birth

It is important that women eat healthy after giving birth as it guarantees their physical and mental recovery. At the same time, the right diet will provide your newborn with proper nutrition through breastfeeding.
Tips to boost the immune system after childbirth

Many women worry about what to eat to boost the immune system after giving birth. During this time, it is important that new mothers have optimal health so that they can regain their strength and restore their body.

The body needs the right vitamins and nutrients to heal after a birth. The key to eating healthy is no mystery. We all know that it boosts our immune system when we eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts and oils that are rich in Omega 3 content. It also helps keep our body in balance.

The question then is: What foods should we eat more of to boost the immune system after birth? And how much should we eat of these foods?

This article will help answer these questions. We need to take a closer look at some of the most important foods for your postpartum diet. They all have a high vitamin content. When you include them in your daily diet, you begin to rebuild your immune system right away.

What foods can boost the immune system after birth?

The first thing that women should consider after giving birth is to start breastfeeding. Women who are breastfeeding need to eat very specific foods.

Whichever diet you choose, make sure you talk to your doctor or nurse about it first. The professional professionals will be able to guide you on how to achieve a balanced diet you need.


At the top of the list of foods that can boost the immune system after childbirth, of course, is fruit. Fruits have an excellent ability to build our defenses thanks to their high vitamin content.

Most fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for maintaining our good immune system.

A bowl of different fruits

We especially recommend these fruits:

  • Oranges
  • Blackcurrant
  • Kiwi
  • Papaja
  • Red berries

It is best to eat fruit during the day. For example, we recommend that you make a delicious fruit salad.

Vegetables and legumes

Vegetables and legumes are another important component because of their vitamin content and their ability to boost the immune system after birth. The best options are peppers, squash and parsley. Parsley is extremely useful as it is so versatile – it can be easily added in various dishes.

As for legumes, lentils are at the top of the list. They are nutritious and packed with iron, while at the same time tasting great.

Furthermore, we recommend that you eat plenty of green leaves when recovering after a birth. Vegetables such as spinach, alfalfa, kale and beetroot contain lots of vitamin K, which helps restore tissue fractures that can occur both during a natural birth or a cesarean section.

Fish that contain Omega 3

“Fat” fish such as salmon, sardines, trout and herring stand out due to their high Omega 3 content. This component is fundamental when it comes to keeping our body in good condition. It also helps us to avoid the onset of various diseases. 

Women who are breastfeeding should consume 15 grams per day to ensure that they are getting enough Omega 3.

If you are a vegetarian, there are other ways you can get Omega 3. This can be, for example, through eggs, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts and other nuts. Soy milk and dairy products such as yogurt also contain Omega 3, although it is in smaller amounts.

Infusions can boost the immune system after childbirth

Infusions can boost the immune system after childbirth

Infusions are absolutely perfect when you want to boost the immune system after childbirth. They boost one’s well – being and offer new mothers relaxation, which undoubtedly helps improve health. The best options will be infusions of valerian, coriander, hibiscus, cranberry, cinnamon and lemon.

Finally, it is important to remember that you should work on strengthening your immune system already during pregnancy. The way you eat during pregnancy will have a big impact on your health after your baby is born. Therefore, you need to focus on staying healthy already during pregnancy.

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