Why Does My Child Always Get Stung By Mosquitoes?

Some children are just stung by mosquitoes more than anyone else, and as a parent it can be difficult if it is one’s child that is affected.
Why does my child always get stung by mosquitoes?

You go for a walk, and you can not help but notice that many children play without being bothered by insects, while your child is bothered by them all the time. Why does my child always get stung by mosquitoes and others do not? That’s a really good question and we’ll give you the answer below.

Mosquitoes are very active insects in warm climates. In the summer, it is very common to get stung by them. This is a serious concern for parents, especially when you are going on holiday.

Unfortunately, children are a coveted target for mosquitoes. They often take advantage of outdoor activities to look for their “prey”.

As I said before, you may have noticed that your child is always stung by mosquitoes, and at the same time the little creatures stay away from others. It is quite possible that your little one is a favorite target of these annoying insects.

It may not just be in your head that it happens; Mosquitoes can actually have a predilection for certain people for several different reasons. Here we will explain some of the most common.

Why does my child always get stung by mosquitoes?

First of all, it’s important to know the reasons why your little one might be a mosquito’s favorite target. You will then be able to take the necessary precautions to reduce the chance of them being stung.

Blood type

Blood type is one of the biggest causes of bites. Mosquitoes sting to eat and, like you, they have their favorite dishes. When selecting a target, they tend to prefer people with type O blood.

Their second choice is people with blood group B. People with blood group A are the lucky ones, because they are only stabbed half as often as those with blood group O.

How can mosquitoes know our blood type? Depending on our blood type, we secrete saccharides, or sugars, through the skin, and these act as a chemical signal that mosquitoes can pick up. That’s what tells them what our blood type is.

A mosquito

Physical activity

Mosquitoes are often attracted to the heat and, during outdoor play, release a child’s body heat. However, this is not the only thing they pick up from our physical activity: they can also pick up sweat.

During play, natural substances such as lactic acid, uric acid and ammonia come out in a child’s sweat. These are all caught by mosquitoes at a distance, and attract them.

Nor is it just about hygiene. Genes are also an important factor, determining how much of these substances their bodies will naturally excrete through their sweat.

Skin bacteria

A large number of bacterial species live quite naturally in our skin. Certain types, such as staphylococcus epidermidis , can attract mosquitoes. However, bacteria do not always work against us.

There are other bacteria called pseudomonas aeruginosa that seem to have the opposite effect to the above. They actually keep these insects away.

This interaction of attraction and repulsion with our skin bacteria causes them to sting us more in certain places such as ankles and feet. This is where we have the highest concentrations of bacteria.


Mosquitoes are not only guided by smell, they are also guided by their sight when trying to find a suitable target. They can more easily see dark colors such as black, dark blue or red.

Pastel colors, or bright colors, such as white, help reduce the risk of being stung by mosquitoes. They also help keep your child cool during outdoor play – especially, of course, in the summer when the heat is at its highest.

When your child returns home and has several red marks on different parts of the body, he has most likely been stung by mosquitoes.

Prevention against being stung by mosquitoes

If your child is always stung by mosquitoes, don’t worry! You can avoid these unwanted insects by following a few simple tips:

  • Avoid dark or clear colors, especially black and dark blue.
  • Reduce outdoor activities in the evening where there are most mosquitoes.
  • Get rid of standing water tanks at home as they can encourage the spread of insects.
  • Use mosquito nets on windows and doors, or even ultrasonic insect repellents.
Mosquitoes on one hand

Deterrents should be used with caution, despite the fact that they are a good solution to protect children. You need to make sure you are buying an efficient and reliable product. There are also some natural remedies that can be used to deter mosquitoes.

Antimicrobial plants such as sage or others like eucalyptus and cinnamon can keep them away if rubbed on the skin. Another very popular remedy is citric acid, which we can buy in many different versions.

As a final recommendation, make sure you keep an eye out for any allergic reactions to mosquito bites, to avoid infections and to treat allergic reactions.

If you notice that the stings swell, hurt a lot, or develop pus, see your doctor as soon as possible. Do the same if your child develops a fever as a result of the sting.

Follow our advice and stay safe and protected!

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