Why We Should Not Force Children To Eat

That's why we should not force children to eat

Long ago, it was normal for parents to force children to eat all the food on their plate. And even to this day, it is normal to force children to eat up. But is it appropriate to demand this?

Experts agree that we should not force children to eat. Like all other people, children also realize when they need to eat and when it is necessary to stop.

But if we constantly push them to finish their meal, then they will not pay attention to their bodies. Instead, they want to be aware of what we are imposing on them.

Julio Basulto, a dietitian, nutritionist and author of several books, says: “We must not insist that our children eat something they do not feel like, more than they feel like, or faster than they can.” We only get negative results if we insist.

It is also important to consider that children are children. They are smaller than us and therefore their diet will be different from ours. Especially when they are younger.

Their bellies are smaller than ours. Therefore, we can not expect their portions to be the same size as ours.

boy sitting and eating

This happens when we try to force children to eat

We believe we are doing something good for our children when we insist that they eat something they do not like or when they do not eat up. But that is not correct.

If we try to force children to eat, then it can make them reject the food.

On the other hand, if the child continues to eat after he is full, then he eats more food than he needs. When a child eats more than they need, they can become overweight. 

What is the typical behavior that we should avoid?

  • To threaten children with depriving them of an activity they like
  • To give them a bad conscience
  • To tell lies
  • To push them
  • To scare them
  • To mistreat them psychologically

What can we do to get them to eat?

Give them time: All people eat in their own way and at their own pace. Both parents probably also have different eating tempos. It is important to understand this and avoid forcing the child to eat. If you respect their time for each meal, then they will feel more calm and comfortable when eating.

Offer new ingredients little by little: Children need to readjust and get used to new ingredients one by one. If we offer many new ingredients in the same meal, then it will be more difficult for them to readjust. They will do better if we offer new meals little by little without forcing them to eat something they do not accept the first time.

3. Avoid distractions: Meals are for eating only. It is therefore recommended that you avoid all types of TVs and toys. In this way, children focus only on the food.

4. Eat with family: It is important that they get into the habit of eating when others do. If they also have to sit at the table during meals, it will improve their relationship with the environment and the food. Remember that as they get older, they will want to feel included and be a part of everything you do.

Be a good example

5. Set a good example: If you want something for your child to eat, then you should eat it too. If you try to give them something that you are not willing to eat, then it will be difficult for them! You need to show the child that what they are trying to eat is delicious and that you like it too.

6. Avoid making worrying grimaces when giving them new ingredients: It should seem like something completely natural. If it does not, then the child will notice that something is wrong and then they become worried, which increases the chance that they will reject the food.

7. Avoid sweets and other snacks before a meal: If we let them eat snacks before lunch or dinner, the child will be less willing to eat. If you offer them something that does not tempt them so much, then it will be easier to refuse as they have already eaten something before.

girl gives her mother a snack

Remember that everyone needs time. If you respect your child’s time, it will help build a better relationship and provide the tools so you can offer them a healthier diet. 

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